Just my way of keeping everyone straight in my little world of bizarre behavior one minute; and a boring lame life the next minute so that's it's easier for you readers to follow along... The listing includes anyone that has been mentioned on this site thus far and I will continue to update as more people join my circle. ***This idea was stolen from Joe Flirt.
In no particular order:
Bethany – Me. Also known as Beezer, Bethala, Bethie, BMcD, the list can go on…. A late twenty-somethinger who is floating through life looking for the perfect job, perfect (affordable) home, perfect man, THE PERFECT LIFE and has thus far had NO luck.
“B” – The on again/off again boyfriend. The second (? - probably the first) love of my life. The man who has made my life equally pleasurable and miserable for the last 3 years. He is my “Big” and I am Carrie Bradshaw. We’ll see if we have a happy ending.
“Harrsion” – My high school crush that I recently ran into as an adult. He swept me off my feet and I fell in lust with him. Just as quickly as he scooped me up, he dumped me and went back to his ex (ahem, "Deb") whom apparently is STILL making him miserable.
KTU – I think of her as a sister and she is mt best friend and same sex soul mate. At first I thought we were "fake" friends. You know, not the person you call in an emergency, but you have dinner and drinks with regularly. Then, this year we became really tight and inseperable. ****Update 6/14 - I until I opened my mouth and told her the truth. F***ing women. LOL.
****Update 9/16 - Real friends can get through the hard times. We'll always be the best of friends.
DP - Another "fake" friend (see above) that proved to be more. We could go weeks without talking and then when we do finally chat, it's like there never was a lapse in time.
"Larry" - KTU's boyfriend and all around trouble maker. Until the big blow out, I thought of him as the big brother I never had... I mean, I have 2 brothers, but I could be getting gang raped and they wouldn't care. With "Larry" I felt protected and I felt like I had a good guy friend I could count on. The the big blow out occured and not only did I lose KTU, I lost him too because he's an idiot. :)
Cowgirl - My childhood best friend. We lose touch, get in touch, lose touch, get back in touch again over and over. It's our MO and now the being back in touch seems to be sticking.
Doogie - Probably my first love. The reason I started a blog. He broke my heart, wrote some nasty sh** about me on his blog and this started out as my revenge on him and proved to be a necessary release for me. It took a year, but we became friends again and then the fucker left and joined the military. Bitch. LOL.
The Bunny - Ahhhh, The Bunny. The best friend I never knew could exist. But alas, she is younger and not wiser, a *little* unstable, and is afraid to be loved for who she is. So she doesn't trust when someone loves her for her and she f***s up the relationship. She broke my heart. Twice.
Hot Rod - The Bunny's fiance and partly the reason we are no longer friends.
GSB - He likes me, he likes me not. He likes me, he likes me not. It's a never ending vicious cycle.
CT - My "baby machine" co-worker. I truly believe in her hay day, we probably would have been the best of friends. But now, she married and a mom of two and it seems as though we are worlds apart and only work holds us together. I love her anyway. :)
DM - The rich and fabulous boss. I do all the work, he gets all the pay. Seems fair.
The OC - My newest and dearest friend at work. Slightly cracked, but aren't we all?
Mama Dukes - Does she need an introduction?
AK - My favorite aunt and probably the sanest person in my family.
Briberry - My sh*tbag older brother #1 that has serious roid rage and "Middle Child Syndrome."
Dougie Fresh - The rebound boy I dated after the second time "B" and I broke up. I guess Karma really is a bitch. I broke his heart and "Harrison" broke mine.
Kel-Kel - One of my high school best friends. She was the good girl then and a good girl now. We lost touch for too long and reconnected at my (Oh God) 10 year high school reunion. It seems like we lost no time since we reconnected and I am happy to have her back in my life.
RyRy - Kel-Kel's husband. The only (other) person I know who would purposely push down a little kid. Someone I am proud to now call "friend."
Maggie Sue - My high school Bunny. In high school, she was my other half. Now I feel like I hardly know her and I feel like I know nothing aout her. She broke my heart when she left our friendship, but I am glad to have her back in my life now.... Even if I never see her. LOL.
Peter Pumpkin Eater (PPE) - The boy I stalked my sophmore year. We hung out St. Patty's day and made out like bandits. It's not there for me anymore, but it's nice to be friends with him again.
Splinky - My friend from Club Med that seemed to be so rude the last time I visited him because he is not thrilled I am still with "B." Dude, get over it.
SVU - My girlie at work, one of very few I can actually say I trust. :)
Tracey From the Bronx
Monday, January 02, 2006
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Bethanypartdeux.blogspot.com contains the opinions of one bitch who thinks other people might want to hear what she has to say. Bethanypartdeux.blogspot.com has no editorial standards and makes no attempt to check facts or validate the accuracy of statements published herein. Additionally, the site contains some potty language. So if you like acceptable dinner-table discussion, you might want to read something else. Thanks.
Due to the idiots that are allowed to use the internet:
If you happen to stumble upon my Blog, I ask that these few and simple rules are followed.
#1. Read, enjoy, leave comments at will.
#2. I like comments, and I like lots of them, but I ask you not put false info in the fields. If you have no URL, leave it blank.
#3. There are many ways to contact me if you feel that I am the coolest thing since sinced slice bread, and you feel the need to let me know, utilize the info. (my e-mails can be better than the posts)
#4. If you do not have a sense of humor and can not take the mildest joke or you don't think midgets are the slightest bit funny, (what the hell is wrong with you) you probably should leave as well, for there is nothing here for you anyway.
#5. I am not forcing you to read this, if something upsets you, simply hit the cute little arrow in the top left corner and go back to whence you came. I live in America and I can say what ever the hell I please here.
#6. If you feel that this 1st Admendment right applies to you here as well, you are right. However, I have the power to delete and edit you, and this process generally leaves you looking like an idiot.
#7. If something bothers you so much, that you feel you are going to explode into a violent rage and club innocent seals if you don't bitch me out for it, feel free to send me an email. I would enjoy keeping the (mean, non funny) profanity off my site. Not all my readers enjoy it. And I really do enjoy e-mail.
#8. If I say something, that really does bother you, just email me and let me know, my intent is not to piss people off, I am simply here for my own amusement and boredom, and can alter what I speak about if I truly am offensive. If you have an ounce of maturity this is how you would handle it anyway, as opposed to leaving mean comments in posts that are a month old, with fake email addresses.
#9. I realize that I only have a handful of readers, but they have been reading for awhile and I appreciate you not being mean to them. I consider them my friends in cyberspace and will be willing to fight for them if necessary. (well i am not really a fighter but I will do my best to make you look like a blubbering idiot).
(These rules were stolen from Subliminal Silence)
In addition:
This disclaimer applies to this site. If you visit or got here by accident, please read through the categories that apply to you and respect the author's wishes.
Personal relationships and privacy
Do not assume that you know everything there is to know about a writer simply because you read their weblog on a regular basis. Any judgements you make will be based on the information they have provided you about themselves, which is probably vague, incomplete or embellished. Whatever opinion you form on them as people, or their life as a whole, is probably best kept to yourself. Remember, you are the reader. An obvious exception to this would be if someone were asking for advice or opinions.
Never contact the writer for more details on events or personal information than what they have already provided on the site. Chances are if the information you seek isn't readily available, they have found it too personal or innapropriate to share. If you are close to the person they will eventually tell you privately, so intrusive questions are not necessary, just leave it alone. If you are meant to know, you will.
If you have a real life relationship with the writer, remember that communication is very important. View weblogs as online journals, no less sacred than a diary hidden between the mattresses. First of all let them know that you read their site, especially if they did not tell you personally.
If they do not want you reading it, or suddenly stop posting entries, ask them why and if necessary, stop going to the site. It is important that as a friend, relative, co-worker or whatever you may be to the writer, that your presence at their weblog not impede their ability to express themselves. Remember this is their outlet. They may not want you to read certain things they might write about you or others you care about, in order to spare your feelings, avoid drama or maintain their privacy. You should respect this and immediately stop going to the site, and never relay any information you gather at their site to others who might use it against them.
If someone writes about you and you don't appreciate it, approach them about it. Try to remain calm and polite. Explain that you are entitled to your privacy as well. There are many compromises that can be reached from using vague nicknames to protect your anonymity, or not mentioning you at all. If you are upset because they are writing negative things about you, be reasonable, try to see if there is a way to resolve the issues and mend your relationship with the writer. If that doesn't seem to be possible, stop going to the website. They will eventually get bored and move on.
Ex-friends, lovers and estranged family members who have been cut out of the writer's life should refrain from reading their journal. If the relationship has ended, there is no reason you should get daily updates on the person's life. If you simply can't help yourself, do it quietly, and never repeat what you read or use it to hurt the writer.
Feedback and initiating contact
If they have a guestbook, sign it. Compliments will always be graciously accepted and appreciated. Criticisms and reproaches are fine if you have a problem with something, but try to remain constructive and not be an asshole. No one is forcing you to give out your opinions, so if you don't have anything remotely positive to say, it may be best to keep quiet.
When contacting a person for the first time, have a clue. If they have a detailed biography and personal information that describes their life from the day they were born, chances are they won't appreciate you wasting their time asking them how old they are or where they live. Writers put a lot of thought and time into their sites, so take the time to read the information they provide you with before you ask for more.
Never assume a writer owes you any response. They may receive from a few to hundreds of messages per day. Some will gladly write back immediately, others will never reply. Try not to take it personally, because chances are it has more to do with their schedule than anything else. If you get upset and nasty about feeling rejected, you will probably ruin any chances you had of befriending the person.
Don't delude yourself into thinking that you will be as important to the writer as he/she is to you. Remember, you are peering in on their life, sharing their thoughts, and though they may become quite special to you, you remain a mystery to them. If they are cold or unreceptive to your advances, keep in mind that you are a stranger to them at this point, and they may or may not want to keep it that way. It's entirely their choice.
Don't be a psycho stalker.
You shouldn't contact people with messenger services unless they list their handles on their website. If you got it from someone else, forget you ever had it, they probably meant to keep it somewhat private.
A writer has the right to stop writing at any time for any reason they see fit, and at no point must they justify or explain these reasons to you or any of their readers. It's their weblog, they can do with it as they please.
Offensive language and materials
The internet is a place that encourages free and creative expression, and as in any environment where people are given this freedom, conflict may arise. If an author uses language or materials that offend you, leave. Contacting the person or their isp, demanding they remove the content or change their ways is absurd because you are viewing their content of your own free will by visiting their site. Simply stop going there and you won't have to see whatever it is you don't like about the site. An obvious exception to this would be if someone were providing illegal materials, in which case it would be appropriate to complain to their isp or contact authorities.
Copyright and courtesy
Never ask someone to make you a layout, to help with your site or show you how to do a certain script or graphic effect that they have on their site, unless they specifically offer their help. There are plenty of tutorials available to help you, just use a search engine to find what you need.
Never use anything off a person's site, be it writing, images or html code, unless they say otherwise. People are very attached to their work and don't usually respond well when others help themselves to it. Copyright is protected by law and in effect the minute something is created, whether the author has a © notice or not. There are online tools where you can learn about copyright laws like What is Copyright?and Redistribution In Graphics Has To Stop.
Under no circumstances should you ever direct link anything, this includes link buttons and any other graphics the writer may offer. Direct linking is when you use the img src tag to display the yahoo link button, instead of actually saving it and uploading it on to your server. It is essentially bandwidth theft, because it uses data transfer, and the owner of the server has to pay for it. Always save the image and upload it to your own server unless the author specifically states you can do otherwise.
Due to the idiots that are allowed to use the internet:
If you happen to stumble upon my Blog, I ask that these few and simple rules are followed.
#1. Read, enjoy, leave comments at will.
#2. I like comments, and I like lots of them, but I ask you not put false info in the fields. If you have no URL, leave it blank.
#3. There are many ways to contact me if you feel that I am the coolest thing since sinced slice bread, and you feel the need to let me know, utilize the info. (my e-mails can be better than the posts)
#4. If you do not have a sense of humor and can not take the mildest joke or you don't think midgets are the slightest bit funny, (what the hell is wrong with you) you probably should leave as well, for there is nothing here for you anyway.
#5. I am not forcing you to read this, if something upsets you, simply hit the cute little arrow in the top left corner and go back to whence you came. I live in America and I can say what ever the hell I please here.
#6. If you feel that this 1st Admendment right applies to you here as well, you are right. However, I have the power to delete and edit you, and this process generally leaves you looking like an idiot.
#7. If something bothers you so much, that you feel you are going to explode into a violent rage and club innocent seals if you don't bitch me out for it, feel free to send me an email. I would enjoy keeping the (mean, non funny) profanity off my site. Not all my readers enjoy it. And I really do enjoy e-mail.
#8. If I say something, that really does bother you, just email me and let me know, my intent is not to piss people off, I am simply here for my own amusement and boredom, and can alter what I speak about if I truly am offensive. If you have an ounce of maturity this is how you would handle it anyway, as opposed to leaving mean comments in posts that are a month old, with fake email addresses.
#9. I realize that I only have a handful of readers, but they have been reading for awhile and I appreciate you not being mean to them. I consider them my friends in cyberspace and will be willing to fight for them if necessary. (well i am not really a fighter but I will do my best to make you look like a blubbering idiot).
(These rules were stolen from Subliminal Silence)
In addition:
This disclaimer applies to this site. If you visit or got here by accident, please read through the categories that apply to you and respect the author's wishes.
Personal relationships and privacy
Do not assume that you know everything there is to know about a writer simply because you read their weblog on a regular basis. Any judgements you make will be based on the information they have provided you about themselves, which is probably vague, incomplete or embellished. Whatever opinion you form on them as people, or their life as a whole, is probably best kept to yourself. Remember, you are the reader. An obvious exception to this would be if someone were asking for advice or opinions.
Never contact the writer for more details on events or personal information than what they have already provided on the site. Chances are if the information you seek isn't readily available, they have found it too personal or innapropriate to share. If you are close to the person they will eventually tell you privately, so intrusive questions are not necessary, just leave it alone. If you are meant to know, you will.
If you have a real life relationship with the writer, remember that communication is very important. View weblogs as online journals, no less sacred than a diary hidden between the mattresses. First of all let them know that you read their site, especially if they did not tell you personally.
If they do not want you reading it, or suddenly stop posting entries, ask them why and if necessary, stop going to the site. It is important that as a friend, relative, co-worker or whatever you may be to the writer, that your presence at their weblog not impede their ability to express themselves. Remember this is their outlet. They may not want you to read certain things they might write about you or others you care about, in order to spare your feelings, avoid drama or maintain their privacy. You should respect this and immediately stop going to the site, and never relay any information you gather at their site to others who might use it against them.
If someone writes about you and you don't appreciate it, approach them about it. Try to remain calm and polite. Explain that you are entitled to your privacy as well. There are many compromises that can be reached from using vague nicknames to protect your anonymity, or not mentioning you at all. If you are upset because they are writing negative things about you, be reasonable, try to see if there is a way to resolve the issues and mend your relationship with the writer. If that doesn't seem to be possible, stop going to the website. They will eventually get bored and move on.
Ex-friends, lovers and estranged family members who have been cut out of the writer's life should refrain from reading their journal. If the relationship has ended, there is no reason you should get daily updates on the person's life. If you simply can't help yourself, do it quietly, and never repeat what you read or use it to hurt the writer.
Feedback and initiating contact
If they have a guestbook, sign it. Compliments will always be graciously accepted and appreciated. Criticisms and reproaches are fine if you have a problem with something, but try to remain constructive and not be an asshole. No one is forcing you to give out your opinions, so if you don't have anything remotely positive to say, it may be best to keep quiet.
When contacting a person for the first time, have a clue. If they have a detailed biography and personal information that describes their life from the day they were born, chances are they won't appreciate you wasting their time asking them how old they are or where they live. Writers put a lot of thought and time into their sites, so take the time to read the information they provide you with before you ask for more.
Never assume a writer owes you any response. They may receive from a few to hundreds of messages per day. Some will gladly write back immediately, others will never reply. Try not to take it personally, because chances are it has more to do with their schedule than anything else. If you get upset and nasty about feeling rejected, you will probably ruin any chances you had of befriending the person.
Don't delude yourself into thinking that you will be as important to the writer as he/she is to you. Remember, you are peering in on their life, sharing their thoughts, and though they may become quite special to you, you remain a mystery to them. If they are cold or unreceptive to your advances, keep in mind that you are a stranger to them at this point, and they may or may not want to keep it that way. It's entirely their choice.
Don't be a psycho stalker.
You shouldn't contact people with messenger services unless they list their handles on their website. If you got it from someone else, forget you ever had it, they probably meant to keep it somewhat private.
A writer has the right to stop writing at any time for any reason they see fit, and at no point must they justify or explain these reasons to you or any of their readers. It's their weblog, they can do with it as they please.
Offensive language and materials
The internet is a place that encourages free and creative expression, and as in any environment where people are given this freedom, conflict may arise. If an author uses language or materials that offend you, leave. Contacting the person or their isp, demanding they remove the content or change their ways is absurd because you are viewing their content of your own free will by visiting their site. Simply stop going there and you won't have to see whatever it is you don't like about the site. An obvious exception to this would be if someone were providing illegal materials, in which case it would be appropriate to complain to their isp or contact authorities.
Copyright and courtesy
Never ask someone to make you a layout, to help with your site or show you how to do a certain script or graphic effect that they have on their site, unless they specifically offer their help. There are plenty of tutorials available to help you, just use a search engine to find what you need.
Never use anything off a person's site, be it writing, images or html code, unless they say otherwise. People are very attached to their work and don't usually respond well when others help themselves to it. Copyright is protected by law and in effect the minute something is created, whether the author has a © notice or not. There are online tools where you can learn about copyright laws like What is Copyright?and Redistribution In Graphics Has To Stop.
Under no circumstances should you ever direct link anything, this includes link buttons and any other graphics the writer may offer. Direct linking is when you use the img src tag to display the yahoo link button, instead of actually saving it and uploading it on to your server. It is essentially bandwidth theft, because it uses data transfer, and the owner of the server has to pay for it. Always save the image and upload it to your own server unless the author specifically states you can do otherwise.
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