Thursday, March 30, 2006

I Wasn't Going to Blog About This....

BUT, now I am angry. All out, crazy, red in the face, just bought a baseball bat for protection..... ANGRY. I had to go to the police in my town Monday night because of my stalker/harasser. AKA, The Liars "Best Friend" Psycho Tub O'Lard. The officer seemed very helpful when I first spoke to him. Said this is happening more and more because internet access is so easy these days. He took all the information necessary, I shut down my former blog and blocked all parties from either e-mailing me or contacting me through MySpace. I did my part to be an adult. Granted, I had the last word on my old site. Did I use real names? No. Did I write about her much? No. 3 times. How many times did her and her friends attack my site? About 50. I had to keep blocking and deleting because they kept finding new ways and new IP's to harass me from on my site and on MySpace. But I'm the stalker? I let it go Monday. Then today I checked to see if Psycho Tub O'Lard was still reading the old site. Yep. I click on her IP address to print it out and I see she logged on to my site from a link in some chat room. Some website called Fecal Matters (can we say REALLY pathetic?? I mean who goes on or even starts a website called this??)... So I sign up and log in to the forum. And there is Psycho Tub O'Lard calling ME a Psycho Stalker. Um, hello? Who's not letting this drop? What made it worse is that she is laughing about how the Police and her were laughing at me and how she "*wink*wink* threatened (me) with a tire iron." And how she now has a "hammer as well in (her) car." And how the cops have "dealt" with me before. She then goes on to post my MySpace address and my old blog address. Excuse me if I am missing something, but I dropped all this shit Monday night - who's the stalker? If I wanted, I could post all her info here, but I choose not to BECAUSE I AM AN ADULT. I could harass the crap out of her, but I choose not too BECAUSE I AM AN ADULT. And BECAUSE I AM MATURE - even though I'm not married *giggle*giggle* and still "live at home with (my) mommy." I'm aggravated and annoyed and this is making me literally sick. I now have to go to back my local police department because the officer is now being a dick and telling me there is nothing he can do.... Until I told him I am dating "Harry" and "Harry" says I can do something about it. That made him move a bit. Now he's "looking for a judge to sign the stay away order." Argh, how aggravating. This girl is a real piece of sh**. And so classy. When she was done talking about me, she went on to talk about how she would give the other forum members a pic of her "full frontal bush." So classy. EW! 10-4 over and out.

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