This past weekend was a blast! Even if I wasted Saturday being miserably hung over - it was totally worth it! A little weekend recap:
Friday - Went to meet Mama Dukes at the mall where she proceeded to buy me a very beautiful butterly necklace :)

After that, we headed over to the diner for some dinner together. She is too cute. During dinner, The Liar was messaging me - someone had too much wine. But, she was cute and it was nice to "talk." KAT messaged me and said, "If we go out around me, "Larry" says you can sleep over." So it was set. I would go see my little KAT, we would catch up in person, and get a little drunkies. Sweet. So after sprucing up, talking to a drunk Liar, and getting directions, I was off to my little KAT's place. I heart her. When I got there, she gave me the grand tour and then we were off with her soon-to-be mother-in-law, Jo. We went to one bar that was - for lack of a better word - lame. LOL. We had two rounds there and decided to leave - leaving Jo to fend for herself. She was having a good time and Larry was going to meet up with us at another place (yea!). We met up with him and the sex/"Harry"/"MC" talk began. Got some good advice (thanks!!) and met a boy. The Boy, nooooo. No good, but OK for a free drink. He text messaged me FIVE times after we left the bar... Oh geez. Thankfully, I have not heard from him since. Ew. We headed over to a diner and got some grub. Then Larry ran into some old friends... I took a number from one of those guys too (so not my type, but what the hell, right? I was on a roll). We finally headed back to the house where - I think - we all passed out in one bed with Molly Jane (I LOVE YOUR DOG!)
Saturday - Woke up slighly confused as to where I was. Then remembered. All I felt was heavy breathing on my leg and heard someone snoring (Larry). I'm thinking, "Why is he on my leg? This is going to be weird. KAT is going to be maaaad." Then, finally, I realize it's Molly Jane, NOT Larry. Ooops, lol. We all wake up and Larry says milkshake and we are all over breakfast. We headed out to Friendly's for some eats. It was THE best breakfast ever! After breakfast, we headed back to their place and I felt so sickies I needed to get home. I had planned on getting the hair and nails done in the afternoon, but sleep and relaxation seemed more important. I heard from "DD" about dinner.... I didn't think I was going to be able to eat or make it out, but I trudged along to her place around 7:30. By 8 we were off to meet up with Steeny at a different restaurant. Dinner was nice - it was good to catch up since I don't see Steeny as often as I see or talk to "DD." And the eats were yummy and I kept everything down! Woo-hoo! After we ate, we sat and chatted for a bit. "DD" needed to sober up since that one glass of wine went ride to her head, lol. After dinner, I head over to "MC's" to hang with him for a bit and sleep. I crashed on his couch until about 3AM, then went into the bedroom and pushed him out of the way for some room.
Sunday - "MC" was on his way out to racquetball, so I kept right on sleeping. When I finally woke around 12:30, I headed over to the salon to get my hair and nails done. By late afternoon, I was thrilled to get home and relax. I caught Mammy up on the weekend and retired to the old bedroom. "Harry" called and we talked for a bit. Decided to make plans for Tuesday night. I spoke to "MC" for a bit, watched some tube and then was off to dreamland thinking all was well with the Bethany world.
Monday - Woke up as usual and went to work. Got an e-mail from The Liar that made me still think we were friends and everything was cool. Then all hell broke loose - I finally learned my lesson - I am done punishing myself - I am so done with her. Yes, I am an idiot, but I've learned and that's all that matters at this point. I will post more ASAP, just needed to get this site up and running, but I have more to update you on. 10-4 over and out.
P.S. - I've been banned from KAT's and Larry's on Friday nights since I kept Larry out too late on a "school" night. LOL. I sorry.
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