I got tagged by The Flirt, so to list a few weird/noteworthy things about myself.
Like I said in my below post, most people don't know the real me. Because, if they did, they would probably be so freaking frightened by my weirdness they would run screaming. But, here you go. A little glimpse into the weirdness of Bethany:
1) I am unable to shower without flip flops on because I fear touching the floor of the tub. I am also unable to touch the walls and have a very hard time touching the shower curtain.
2) I fear all loose hair. I almost passed out once in a mall when my friend tried on one of those "real hair" hair ties. EW!!!!!!!!! Pet hair does not bother me. Only people hair.
3) I like pickles on my grilled cheese.
4) I can't sleep unless my closet doors are closed, my dresser drawers are completely shut and nothing is sticking out of them, or if my comforter isn't correctly laid out on the bed. If there are things on my floor, they must be in neat little piles. These things really keep me awake at night.
5) Food on my plate CANNOT touch each other. If they do, I won't eat it.
6) I can't stand feet. They freak me out. Especially hair on the big toe. EW!!!!!!!
7) Bobble head dolls scare the hell out of me.
8) I am seriously superstitious. I really do believe if I don't foward that chain letter, my true love will never reveal himself.
9) I'm a workaholic. However, when I go on vacation, I am unable to return to work the following week without thinking of a way to quit. Then, during that week, I do my best to do NO work whatsoever.
10) I can only hug people if I'm in the mood. I'm not a fan of touching. I mean, I LIKE touching :) LOL, but I am very fond of my personal space.
11) When I was a kid, I put salt on EVERYTHING. I even ate it straight off my hand. Now I hate salt. Unless it's on pizza. That's the only thing I put salt on and I put TONS of it on there. It's so sick. It really is.
12) Microwave popcorn. I only buy/make the ones with LOTS of butter. Then, once it's popped, I lick the bag and give the popcorn to my cat. No, I am not kidding. Ask the Bunny and ask Leighbug. They've seen me do it and it's really freaking embarassing. Why am I telling you this???
I'm tagging the following people:
1) Liv
2) Maggie
3) Kel-Kel
4) RyRy
5) Doogalicious
6) Loni
Friday, April 28, 2006
Sick of Being Silent.....
G'morning Kids & Porn Stars.... TGIF! I am so happy it’s Friday and only for 1 reason. It means I get to sleep in late for the next two days. I need sleep. I am craving sleep. It’s all I want in life right now. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I am sleeping until 7:20/7:30 every morning when I know I HAVE to leave for work no later than 8AM. Work is ridiculously busy…. I am trying to meet my #’s with what seems like NO help from my boss. I am busting my ass so that he can take home his 45.5% sales commission and I still get the same small pay that doesn’t even afford me to live on my own. How special for me. Then, my “friend” Splinky keeps calling me and e-mailing me. OK, while you all know I didn’t have the best time in Florida. It wasn’t completely because I was sick. It was partly because the original plan was to lounge on the beach or by the pool, read and relax. Then he got the idea that we should go down to the Keys for a night or two. The day before I am set to go, he calls me and says, “There are really no places to stay since it’s the tail end of Spring Break. Most places are booked or really expensive.” $100 a night is expensive? He who is bragging that his bonus from work will be MORE THAN I MAKE IN A YEAR?? So, it was back to lounging. But noooo, he wanted to walk everywhere in the freaking heat when I was sick. Friday we walked (definitely more than a mile). Stopping along the way in stores because they had AC. 1) I was sick and going in and out of AC was not helping. 2) I was drenched with sweat from walking the heat that was supposedly all shaded areas. So wasn’t. 3) All I wanted to do was lay around and this wasn’t making for a relaxing time. If I wanted to do a walking tour, I would have gone to Greece with the girls from work. I was told the beach was less than a mile from his apartment. So not true. The first night he told me I should walk – it was his suggestion that I don’t rent a car because everything was so close. Then he tells me that cabs are about $15 a pop. So, I was basically stuck at his apartment until he got home. But then he didn’t want to drive anywhere because he didn’t want to pay for parking. I never got to see Miami. If I even thought about checking my e-mail I was made to feel bad that I wasn’t spending the time paying attention to him. Every time I got dressed, I felt like I was getting the once over about my outfit. (Like I don't feel bad enough about my appearance, now I have to answer to him about what I am wearing and feel eyes burning a hole through my outfit??? There is nothing worse then having someone make you feel like shit and belittle you. There really isn't. No, we REALLY DON'T have blinking red arrow traffic lights up here! Do you really need to second guess everything I say or try to one up me on all of my stories? Did I really need to hear how much you hate The Bunny? No.) It’s Florida, so I wore my flip flops a lot. We went to dinner one night and he said, “Flip flops??” Then casually mentioned they might not let me stay to eat because of my shoes. (What, was he wearing Armani shorts that I wasn’t aware of??) On top of all this, I had enough of his sarcastic comments about my relationships with “B” and “Harrison.” “What, do you think he’s really going to marry you??,” he would say about “B.” Then he would make comments as though he knows me better than I know myself. There are very, very few people that know me that well and he is not one of them. So, just as Mama Dukes said, I came back probably more stressed then when I left. And here I am, end of month, and my boss is REALLY stressing me out about our “#’s.” Argh. Then Splinky decides to call me and e-mail me with nasty messages about how I “got him sick,” how he “hopes I get it back just as bad as he has it,” how he can’t believe “how sick” he is and it’s all my fault. How f**king rude can you be? Maybe it’ll turn into dysentery and you’ll poop your insides out! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! To top things completely off, I had a conversation with “B” the other day and did a little research. Twisted Tea has 5 points per bottle on the Weight Watchers scale. I could drink 6 in one sitting. That’s 30 points! No FREAKING wonder I haven’t been able to lose weight!! If I drink 12 the whole weekend, that’s 60 points!!!! I am so going back to wine. ASAP.
Thank God it’s Friday.
Thank God I haven’t received any more rude e-mails or voicemails.
Thank God I can go home and relax for two whole days.
Thank God it’s the end of the month and I don’t have to worry about #’s again for another 31 whole days.
Thank God it’s already the afternoon because I just want to go home, curl up in a ball and read my book in my jammies. (I don’t even want to drink tonight!!!)
Thank God I am going to see “B” tomorrow. I wish I could see “Harrison” too at too at some point this weekend, but he is going to be working all weekend. Boooo.
Thank God Mama Dukes is working tomorrow. LOL.
I’m off like a dirty shirt. 10-4 over and out.
Thank God it’s Friday.
Thank God I haven’t received any more rude e-mails or voicemails.
Thank God I can go home and relax for two whole days.
Thank God it’s the end of the month and I don’t have to worry about #’s again for another 31 whole days.
Thank God it’s already the afternoon because I just want to go home, curl up in a ball and read my book in my jammies. (I don’t even want to drink tonight!!!)
Thank God I am going to see “B” tomorrow. I wish I could see “Harrison” too at too at some point this weekend, but he is going to be working all weekend. Boooo.
Thank God Mama Dukes is working tomorrow. LOL.
I’m off like a dirty shirt. 10-4 over and out.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Florida Sucks....
I was unable to find Twisted Tea there!!! G'Afternoon Kids & Porn Stars.... Happy Tuesday (short week for me, yea!) I'm back and there are no pictures. Why you ask? Because I didn't really go anywhere or do anything. I mean, yes I went to Florida, but while there I didn't really do too much. The night before I left, I went to dinner at "B's" and stayed there since work is right around the corner. While we were out, he mentioned that is throat was sore, but "easily dealt with." Meaning, he drank something and the soreness went away. So I wasn't concerned about getting sick. Wed. came and I went into work and left by 3:30 (without a problem which was scary!!!) Mama Dukes dropped me off at the airport and I did curb side check in which was awesome (I haven't flown domestically in a LONG time - never even heard of curb side check in!). So I walked around looking for my gate # and checked out some of the stores (why was I looking at books? I had 3 in my carry on!?!?) So I walked around, read a little, listened to the iPod for a bit, made some calls and then my flight was delayed. Wonderful. I finally boarded and fell asleep. An hour later (I didn't know it was only an hour) I wake up and we are on the ground. "We're here?? Awesome!" Then I realize we hadn't moved yet. I'm not even kidding. The only good thing was that there was no one in the middle seat and the guy in the aisle seat kept to himself. So I stretched out and enjoyed the flight down. When I finally arrived, Splinky was waiting at the exit, we retrieved my luggage and were off to his place. He took me on a short tour of the area and then we unloaded my stuff at his place. I was hungry (because the roll with a piece of Turkey on the plane didn't do it for me) so we walked over to the Floridian Diner for some eats. After we ate, we headed back to his place at went sleepies. Thursday I woke up and just relaxed because I felt like poo. The whole day was spent lounging, watching t.v. and reading. I walked down to 7-11 for some lunch (yuck!) and of course there was a bum outside. "You're beautiful!," he yelled as I walked inside. "Are you a cop?," he asked. "Yes," I replied. "I guess you're here on vacation. You're hot!," he yelled. Ick. I raced back to Splinky's house. We went to dinner and just relaxed. Friday Splinky was off so we walked what felt like a million miles to the IMAX theatre and saw a movie about underwater. I felt worse being in the heat and doing all that walking. We walked back to the house, ordered some eats and watched some tube. The rest of the trip was spent much like that. Relaxing, walking, watching tube. I didn't see or do much, but the relaxation was necessary and much needed. The flu/cold thing I had kind of ruined things, but I hadn't planned on doing much anyway.... My last two days I dipped my feet in the pool and sat out in the sun. My flight back was delayed and cramped and filled with crying children (joy). I missed my boys and my doggies and was happy to go home. I can't wait to see "B" and "Harrison" (not together, of course). Florida is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. :)
Now I am back at work, still sick, still confused about things in my life and not really all that relaxed. I need a massage. I am off to go book one now. 10-4 over and out.
Now I am back at work, still sick, still confused about things in my life and not really all that relaxed. I need a massage. I am off to go book one now. 10-4 over and out.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Here Today, Gone to Florida....
G'Morning Kids & Porn Stars.... Today at 3:30 PM I will be heading out of work early because it's off the Ft. Lauderdale I go! I *might* be able to blog from there, will let you know. One thing I am sure of, pictures will be posted next week. Don't miss me too much! 10-4 over and out.
Monday, April 17, 2006
T-Minus 2 Days...
G'Afternoon Kids & Porn Stars... Happy MonDAY after Easter.... Hope everyone had a good one! My weekend was "fabulous" ever though I didn't make it to "B's" as planned on Saturday night.
Friday - My job closed at 3. It was a nice surprise and I was SO in need of a nap. They also brought in lunch which was nice too. By the time 3 PM rolled around, I couldn't wait to get out of there. Then it happened as I was driving home. I hit and killed a squirrel. :( I couldn't believe it. I always brake for animals, but this one came out of no where and the car in front of me as blocking it. I actually cried a little (I think it was PMS, but I did feel bad). I took it as a sign of a bad impending weekend. So I headed home and grabbed a nap. It was much needed sleep even though the phone kept ringing and the dogs kept barking. I dozed in and out of consciousness until about 7:30 PM. I called my Cowgirl to find out her ETA so we could get the party started - right and quickly. She arrived at my place and we prettied ourselves up and were off. I decided we should start at my favorite place in P.R. ("Your predictability will be your downfall." "Harrison" told me on Saturday... LOL) Of course, when we arrived "B" was there with all of his boys. I saw his car, so I wasn't going to go in, but Cowgirl said, "Just ignore him, LOL." So we went. I tried to hide myself while we walked in, but he caught me. We smiled and waived and Cowgirl and I proceeded to the other end of the bar. Playing hard to get, lol. We had a drink or two, the she went outside for a smoke. "B" came over to say hi and then was introduced to the Cowgirl. He decided to go back to his buddies and wouldn't kiss me goodbye. JERK! So we decided to leave and I went to say goodbye. "You're leaving? Where are you going?" I smiled. "Oh, nice. Have fun...," he said sarcastically. He assumed I was going to see "Harrison's" band. We left and drove by the bar where "Harrison" was playing. It was not busy and I had no wig to wear, so we opted not to go in. LOL. We headed over to this dance club/bar I knew of. It no longer existed! So we headed back to PR and had a drink or two at a different pub and danced. We decided to eat, so we headed over to the mill for some eats and some more drinkies. On the way back, we passed "Harrison" again and his gig appeared to be over. We headed back to my favorite bar and "B" was gone. We met two cuties, but my girl was depressed and wanted to go home. I finally fell asleep around 5 AM.
Saturday - Had a lovely wake up call (doorbell) at 8AM. Just 3 short hours after I went to bed. My neighbor. How nice of her. Needless to say, I did not answer the door. She was delivering a pie to my mom. AT 8AM??? WTF? I fell back to sleep briefly, but the phone kept ringing and there was no point. "Harrison" called and told me about his night. I told him we drove by and checked things out. We decided we would get together Sunday night. Mama Dukes wanted to shop, so we headed out. She was rude and annoying, so I ignored her on most of the trip out. When we got home, I ate some din-din, then retreated to my room. I finally fell asleep and "B" called. He was heading out with his boys and wanted to know if I wanted to meet up later in the night. I hardly heard him I was so tired. "Go back to sleep," he said, "We'll get together Monday or Tuesday night before you leave for Florida." Awe. He's going to miss me, LOL. I finally fell asleep.
Sunday - Happy Easter! Woke up early - again. Mama Dukes was STILL being Grouchy, Nasty Mama Dukes and left without saying goodbye, F-off, nothing. She was off to AC with her friend. I went back to sleep. I finally woke up at noon and started to get ready to go to Kel-Kel and RyRy's. I left Mama Dukes in charge of picking up wine. She did well with the White Zin, but not so well with the Red. LOL. After an incident with almost running out of gas, I arrive at their house.... The last one to arrive :( We hung out for a bit, colored some eggs, chatted. It was weird to see her baby sister all grown up and her mom looked exactly the same!!! :) RyRy was full of his sarcastic comments that I love, lol. I remember when she was so young and a cheerleader, lol! Dinner time came and we feasted down on an AWESOME dinner :) Then we had some yummy desserts. We finished up early and I need to get home to the pups.
**Thanks again for the invite!! Dinner was mucho Yum and it was (once again) great to see you and RyRy!!!!)**
I said goodbye and headed home.... After feeding the pups, I settled into the couch with a new book and a blanket when "Harrison" called. Awe.... We decided I would come by his place around 9. I got dressed and ready to go and was off to his place by 8:45. Of course, the Thruway was bumper to bumper traffic. Lovely. I arrived and we chatted. We laid on the couch together and watched t.v. We looked through a book together. He gave me a colored egg. "That's for you," he said. So cute. We drank a little. Around 11, we decided to go to bed. We cuddled and he is too cute. Yes, I know he's 41 (And I am only 28!!! LOL). I think he made up the other girl he went on two dates with - all signs point to Mama Dukes was right. I know he should have been married at least once already or be married by now. I'd rather see him not married or divorced and know that he didn't get married just to get married. He's waiting for the right one... Which is what I am doing too and what I hope everyone does :). I like this one and hope things work out. I mean, I love "B," but I can't keep waiting around forever for him to come around. Keeping my options open, having fun with both. Until I need to decide, or meet a 3rd - LOL, this is good for now. I care about them both and I know in their own strange ways, they care about me. :) Liv, I like older men! I can't help it! LOL. Until tomorrow folks, I'm off like a prom dress. 10-4 over and out.
Hoppy Easter and Happy Passover too!
Friday - My job closed at 3. It was a nice surprise and I was SO in need of a nap. They also brought in lunch which was nice too. By the time 3 PM rolled around, I couldn't wait to get out of there. Then it happened as I was driving home. I hit and killed a squirrel. :( I couldn't believe it. I always brake for animals, but this one came out of no where and the car in front of me as blocking it. I actually cried a little (I think it was PMS, but I did feel bad). I took it as a sign of a bad impending weekend. So I headed home and grabbed a nap. It was much needed sleep even though the phone kept ringing and the dogs kept barking. I dozed in and out of consciousness until about 7:30 PM. I called my Cowgirl to find out her ETA so we could get the party started - right and quickly. She arrived at my place and we prettied ourselves up and were off. I decided we should start at my favorite place in P.R. ("Your predictability will be your downfall." "Harrison" told me on Saturday... LOL) Of course, when we arrived "B" was there with all of his boys. I saw his car, so I wasn't going to go in, but Cowgirl said, "Just ignore him, LOL." So we went. I tried to hide myself while we walked in, but he caught me. We smiled and waived and Cowgirl and I proceeded to the other end of the bar. Playing hard to get, lol. We had a drink or two, the she went outside for a smoke. "B" came over to say hi and then was introduced to the Cowgirl. He decided to go back to his buddies and wouldn't kiss me goodbye. JERK! So we decided to leave and I went to say goodbye. "You're leaving? Where are you going?" I smiled. "Oh, nice. Have fun...," he said sarcastically. He assumed I was going to see "Harrison's" band. We left and drove by the bar where "Harrison" was playing. It was not busy and I had no wig to wear, so we opted not to go in. LOL. We headed over to this dance club/bar I knew of. It no longer existed! So we headed back to PR and had a drink or two at a different pub and danced. We decided to eat, so we headed over to the mill for some eats and some more drinkies. On the way back, we passed "Harrison" again and his gig appeared to be over. We headed back to my favorite bar and "B" was gone. We met two cuties, but my girl was depressed and wanted to go home. I finally fell asleep around 5 AM.
Saturday - Had a lovely wake up call (doorbell) at 8AM. Just 3 short hours after I went to bed. My neighbor. How nice of her. Needless to say, I did not answer the door. She was delivering a pie to my mom. AT 8AM??? WTF? I fell back to sleep briefly, but the phone kept ringing and there was no point. "Harrison" called and told me about his night. I told him we drove by and checked things out. We decided we would get together Sunday night. Mama Dukes wanted to shop, so we headed out. She was rude and annoying, so I ignored her on most of the trip out. When we got home, I ate some din-din, then retreated to my room. I finally fell asleep and "B" called. He was heading out with his boys and wanted to know if I wanted to meet up later in the night. I hardly heard him I was so tired. "Go back to sleep," he said, "We'll get together Monday or Tuesday night before you leave for Florida." Awe. He's going to miss me, LOL. I finally fell asleep.
Sunday - Happy Easter! Woke up early - again. Mama Dukes was STILL being Grouchy, Nasty Mama Dukes and left without saying goodbye, F-off, nothing. She was off to AC with her friend. I went back to sleep. I finally woke up at noon and started to get ready to go to Kel-Kel and RyRy's. I left Mama Dukes in charge of picking up wine. She did well with the White Zin, but not so well with the Red. LOL. After an incident with almost running out of gas, I arrive at their house.... The last one to arrive :( We hung out for a bit, colored some eggs, chatted. It was weird to see her baby sister all grown up and her mom looked exactly the same!!! :) RyRy was full of his sarcastic comments that I love, lol. I remember when she was so young and a cheerleader, lol! Dinner time came and we feasted down on an AWESOME dinner :) Then we had some yummy desserts. We finished up early and I need to get home to the pups.
**Thanks again for the invite!! Dinner was mucho Yum and it was (once again) great to see you and RyRy!!!!)**
I said goodbye and headed home.... After feeding the pups, I settled into the couch with a new book and a blanket when "Harrison" called. Awe.... We decided I would come by his place around 9. I got dressed and ready to go and was off to his place by 8:45. Of course, the Thruway was bumper to bumper traffic. Lovely. I arrived and we chatted. We laid on the couch together and watched t.v. We looked through a book together. He gave me a colored egg. "That's for you," he said. So cute. We drank a little. Around 11, we decided to go to bed. We cuddled and he is too cute. Yes, I know he's 41 (And I am only 28!!! LOL). I think he made up the other girl he went on two dates with - all signs point to Mama Dukes was right. I know he should have been married at least once already or be married by now. I'd rather see him not married or divorced and know that he didn't get married just to get married. He's waiting for the right one... Which is what I am doing too and what I hope everyone does :). I like this one and hope things work out. I mean, I love "B," but I can't keep waiting around forever for him to come around. Keeping my options open, having fun with both. Until I need to decide, or meet a 3rd - LOL, this is good for now. I care about them both and I know in their own strange ways, they care about me. :) Liv, I like older men! I can't help it! LOL. Until tomorrow folks, I'm off like a prom dress. 10-4 over and out.
Hoppy Easter and Happy Passover too!

Friday, April 14, 2006
My Horoscope Today!!!
You are ready for something new -- specifically a sport. You'll not only get in better shape, your're going to meet a really special friend soon.
I called about Softball last night!!! How weird!!!
I called about Softball last night!!! How weird!!!
My Theme Song...
I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined
I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your innovations
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
Oh, oh, oh
I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines
We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inner visions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inner visions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten
Oh, yeah, yeah
KTU, we need to start our book!!!
I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined
I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your innovations
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
Oh, oh, oh
I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines
We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inner visions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inner visions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten
Oh, yeah, yeah
KTU, we need to start our book!!!
Title Goes Here.....
I had so many awesome blog titles thought up last night and now I can’t think of a single one! Happy Friday Kids & Porn Stars. And Happy Good Friday to all your good Catholics (such as myself, lol). Work has been crazy this week…. The boss is out on vacation (again) and my friend VSP left for Greece, so I am covering her desk as well. Fun, fun. It just makes me look like a good worker bee though, lol. I went to the gym twice this week…. twice only. I pulled a muscle in my calf, so I didn’t go last night. I had every intention of taking the pups to the park, but then it rained, so I wound up sitting on the computer for a while. I am hoping my company is nice enough to close early today so I can get to the gym early, then get home and clean my place since Cowgirl is coming by this evening. So, somehow on Wednesday night, some poltergeist type crap happened and my AOL signed me on all by itself. So, when I got to the computer last night, I turned on the monitor and I had missed about a billion IM’s. Cowgirl, Doogie, McGyver, Kel-Kel as well as several others. The last one I received was from The Bunny (AKA The Liar). She was asking me about the $ she owes me (If I received her check), then she goes on to say how immature I am because I am ignoring her IM’s (I wasn’t even there!) So, when I saw that, I got pissed off. Especially since I text messaged her and her mother last Friday that I did receive the check. So I sent her a message that I wasn’t ignoring her, I wasn’t at my computer, yes I received the check and reminded her that I told her that I received it last Friday. So she says, “I need a friend.” That angered me even more. So I went off. I went off about how she chose scumbags over me. That she allowed those people to harass me so badly that I had to change websites, I had to change my routine, and go to the cops. That she had the nerve to call me a manipulative liar. I told her that her “friends” were the crazy ones and showed her the Fecal Matter website that Psycho Tub O’Lard frequents. I think I finally got through to her, but what was it all worth? I mean, how many times can a person dick you over before you say enough is enough. Talking to her only angered me more because it was dredging up s**t that I have moved past and the drama that was now – once again – out of my life. She asked me to come over to her place to share a bottle of wine she had bought. So aggravated, but glad I could finally clear up some things with her. Will she stay friends with PTOL? Most likely. Will she trust her less now that she knows the truth? Probably. I don’t feel good about having to be the one to physically show her (because PTOL puts everything in writing like a moron) what her “friend” is all about, but some people just need to see it for themselves.
So, here we are on Good Friday and it looks like my company will be closing early (3PM, yea!!!) Which means I HAVE to go to the gym because that’s what I promised myself. “If I get out early, I will go and then clean for Cowgirl’s visit. If we don’t close early I will skip the gym.” Damn those conversations with myself! Damn them to hell! LOL.
Tonight the Cowgirl is coming up to my place and we are going to head out. I am the designated driver so she can get drunk. We *might* stop by “Harrison’s” gig, but I am thinking more and more that I just shouldn’t go. Whether or not he is making up this other girl (which my mom still believes and Mama Dukes is usually right….), I just don’t know if I am emotionally ready to put a face to her. I am supposed to see him either Sunday or Monday night before I go to Florida, and I think I am going to have to have a serious conversation with him about how the thought of him with someone else makes my skin crawl. I sent him and e-mail about not coming to his gig tonight and once again he didn’t respond. (He NEVER responds to my “serious” e-mails.) For someone who is 41, he really acts 5, LOL. But, KTU did make a good point, “How do you think he feels about you hanging out with “B?” It can’t make him feel too good especially since you were so serious with him. He’s just dating this other girl that he just met. It’s not serious.” She’s right. I am just not sure how to play this out with him. Cut my losses and let it go or stick it out. Ugh…. I hate this.
Sunday is Easter and Mama Dukes is heading down to AC with her bestest bud. We are so religious. She invited me to come with, but I just couldn't see spending Easter gambling. Too weird. Originally, I was going to stay in the jammies all day and lounge watching movies. But, my girl Kel-Kel and Hubby RyRy invited me to their place for the holiday! So sweet! :)
Anyway, I am off to cover 3 desks and cram 10 hours of work into 6. Joy. 10-4 over and out!
So, here we are on Good Friday and it looks like my company will be closing early (3PM, yea!!!) Which means I HAVE to go to the gym because that’s what I promised myself. “If I get out early, I will go and then clean for Cowgirl’s visit. If we don’t close early I will skip the gym.” Damn those conversations with myself! Damn them to hell! LOL.
Tonight the Cowgirl is coming up to my place and we are going to head out. I am the designated driver so she can get drunk. We *might* stop by “Harrison’s” gig, but I am thinking more and more that I just shouldn’t go. Whether or not he is making up this other girl (which my mom still believes and Mama Dukes is usually right….), I just don’t know if I am emotionally ready to put a face to her. I am supposed to see him either Sunday or Monday night before I go to Florida, and I think I am going to have to have a serious conversation with him about how the thought of him with someone else makes my skin crawl. I sent him and e-mail about not coming to his gig tonight and once again he didn’t respond. (He NEVER responds to my “serious” e-mails.) For someone who is 41, he really acts 5, LOL. But, KTU did make a good point, “How do you think he feels about you hanging out with “B?” It can’t make him feel too good especially since you were so serious with him. He’s just dating this other girl that he just met. It’s not serious.” She’s right. I am just not sure how to play this out with him. Cut my losses and let it go or stick it out. Ugh…. I hate this.
Sunday is Easter and Mama Dukes is heading down to AC with her bestest bud. We are so religious. She invited me to come with, but I just couldn't see spending Easter gambling. Too weird. Originally, I was going to stay in the jammies all day and lounge watching movies. But, my girl Kel-Kel and Hubby RyRy invited me to their place for the holiday! So sweet! :)
Anyway, I am off to cover 3 desks and cram 10 hours of work into 6. Joy. 10-4 over and out!
Monday, April 10, 2006
Expect Everything....
G'morning Kids & Porn Stars. Happy Monday! Time for a little weekend recap!:
Friday - Hit up the gym and there were HOTTIES everywhere. I am so going EVERY Friday night from now on! Afterwards, I headed home and showered/dressed because I was meeting up with "Harrison" at 9:30 at my favorite bar. I had to make one pit stop and do one drive by before I arrived to meet up with him. And I was still earlier than him. I hate that I am perpetually early. I look like a loser, lol. Anyway, we both arrived and we headed inside. Of course who is the first person I see? JB from the Friday night before. He comes right up to me. “Who is this guy? Where is ‘B’?” I say, “JB this is ‘Harrison’ and he knows all about ‘B’ so don’t worry. “B” is not my boyfriend.” He then tells “Harrison” how gorgeous I am and buys us a round. Not too long after, he disappeared. “Harrison” and I start talking and flip through a Stepping Out Magazine. I see that my favorite band, The Nerds, are playing at a bar near my job this Thursday night. I then ask, “Why doesn’t your band advertise in there?” “We don’t play in Jersey and this magazine doesn’t really cover Westchester.” I then see a band name similar to his is playing Friday night at that same bar. “When is your next gig?,” I asked. “Bethany, I know you saw that we are playing Friday night,” he says. I actually didn’t think it was his band, but why lie?? “I’m just not sure if my ex girlfriendS will respect boundries or not,” he says. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t just show up,” I say, “I would wait until I was invited.” We move on from the topic and talk about our relationship. He tells me he misses me. I think JB called “B” and told him what was up because he called me a few times while I was out. Not his usual MO. I said I was OK with just dating for a while and seeing where things go. I said, "I'm not worried because you will fall for my mind games soon enough." (Wrong wording!) He looks at me with this adorable face and said, "Please don't play mind games with me." I then realized he really must've gotten hurt at some point (haven't we all). So I replied, "Wrong wording. I meant to say that you will soon enough fall under my spell. The bethany Spell." He smiled. We decide to go back to "Harrison's" place and crack open the bottle of wine I had given to him. I wound up being fairly drunk and stayed over. I went to sleep thinking that this was the best night we've spent together and feeling like we were both finally completely honest with one another.
Saturday – Had to get up and leave “Harrison” early and head down to KTU’s Chines Auction with Mama Dukes. We headed down in the pouring rain hoping to win some cool gifties. I finally got to meet Mama KTU and she was so sweet and way too cute. KTU wasn’t able to sit with us for a while since it was her school’s gig, but she found some time for us! :) We played the 50/50 and put tons of tickets into the items we wanted to win. Finally, they started calling #’s. I was zoning out thinking about “Harrison” when they called my # for a door prize. A 35 mm Walgreen’s camera that had expired film. I’m not even kidding, lol. I think Mama Dukes and I were the only people at our table not to win any cool gifts. Mama Dukes won some erasers, LOL. We had fun doing it and making fun of our gifts, plus it was a fundraiser, so that was all that mattered. KTU won her classes doggie gift basket and gave me some stuff for my babies, LOL. She also won AWESOME Yankees tickets (which I am secretly hoping Larry can’t make it to, LOL) After the auction completed, Mama Dukes and I headed back to NY. It took TWO HOURS. Apparently, she didn’t know how to get us home. Argh. All I wanted was to sleep. KTU was too hungover for me to come and chill with her, so I wound up calling “B” (who never returned my calls) and then I passed out. That was the extent of my Saturday evening.
Sunday – Woke up at 2PM. Watched some t.v., then I took a nap. Not even kidding. KTU called around 3:30 to see if I wanted to come over for some drinks and grilled yummies with her Larry, and Larry’s son Junior, LOL. I was all over it. I showered and was off to their place. We sat outside and enjoyed the sun and drank. Junior left and we decided to go out to eat instead of grilling. We ordered some drinks and some appetizers. I talked Larry into calling Barnes and Noble to find out if they had that book I previously mentioned. They did and they put one on hold for me. So, we left to go pick it up. We then ordered in some dinner, watched Soprano’s and Big Love. All in all, a nice day with my buddies that I love. I messaged “Harrison” that I bought the book, but didn’t hear back from him.
So Monday night I skipped the gym so that I could take care of the pooches and relax after a long rough weekend, LOL. I fell asleep around 6:30. I was awakened by “Harrison” calling my cell phone. We wound up talking for 2 ½ hours about our relationship, where it’s going, what’s going on with “B,” etc. Then he told me. Sunday night he was out on a date with another girl. WTF?!? I thought he wasn’t ready to date, but now he’s going to date two of us?? I was literally sick to my stomach by this info. He said, “I hate to keep coming back to it, but you went to look at houses with ‘B,’ so what does that mean to you?” Is that why he went out with her?? Then it turns out, it was a second date and HE INVITED HER TO GO SEE HIS BAND PLAY Friday night! “I invited you too!,” he said. He really didn’t. Then he went on to say he wouldn’t pay one of us more attention than the other on Friday night and that he would make an introduction. IS HE KIDDING ME? I am so nauseated by all of this and once again it shows me that my honesty hinders me, not helps me. Maybe I should be a bitch and start lying and playing f***ing head games with guys. Then maybe I will meet one who wants to treat me as I deserve to be treated. I’m not sure what to do with this information he gave me. My mom thinks he is making this girl up because of my relationship/non-relationship with “B.” I’m not sure what to think. All I know is that I am aggravated and I am definitely NOT going to see his band play on Friday night. I’m not sure how to play this. Back off and “take the high road” or keep pursuing a relationship with him? I don’t know. I am getting drunk Friday night. Is he playing mind games with me or what?? 10-4 over and out.
Friday - Hit up the gym and there were HOTTIES everywhere. I am so going EVERY Friday night from now on! Afterwards, I headed home and showered/dressed because I was meeting up with "Harrison" at 9:30 at my favorite bar. I had to make one pit stop and do one drive by before I arrived to meet up with him. And I was still earlier than him. I hate that I am perpetually early. I look like a loser, lol. Anyway, we both arrived and we headed inside. Of course who is the first person I see? JB from the Friday night before. He comes right up to me. “Who is this guy? Where is ‘B’?” I say, “JB this is ‘Harrison’ and he knows all about ‘B’ so don’t worry. “B” is not my boyfriend.” He then tells “Harrison” how gorgeous I am and buys us a round. Not too long after, he disappeared. “Harrison” and I start talking and flip through a Stepping Out Magazine. I see that my favorite band, The Nerds, are playing at a bar near my job this Thursday night. I then ask, “Why doesn’t your band advertise in there?” “We don’t play in Jersey and this magazine doesn’t really cover Westchester.” I then see a band name similar to his is playing Friday night at that same bar. “When is your next gig?,” I asked. “Bethany, I know you saw that we are playing Friday night,” he says. I actually didn’t think it was his band, but why lie?? “I’m just not sure if my ex girlfriendS will respect boundries or not,” he says. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t just show up,” I say, “I would wait until I was invited.” We move on from the topic and talk about our relationship. He tells me he misses me. I think JB called “B” and told him what was up because he called me a few times while I was out. Not his usual MO. I said I was OK with just dating for a while and seeing where things go. I said, "I'm not worried because you will fall for my mind games soon enough." (Wrong wording!) He looks at me with this adorable face and said, "Please don't play mind games with me." I then realized he really must've gotten hurt at some point (haven't we all). So I replied, "Wrong wording. I meant to say that you will soon enough fall under my spell. The bethany Spell." He smiled. We decide to go back to "Harrison's" place and crack open the bottle of wine I had given to him. I wound up being fairly drunk and stayed over. I went to sleep thinking that this was the best night we've spent together and feeling like we were both finally completely honest with one another.
Saturday – Had to get up and leave “Harrison” early and head down to KTU’s Chines Auction with Mama Dukes. We headed down in the pouring rain hoping to win some cool gifties. I finally got to meet Mama KTU and she was so sweet and way too cute. KTU wasn’t able to sit with us for a while since it was her school’s gig, but she found some time for us! :) We played the 50/50 and put tons of tickets into the items we wanted to win. Finally, they started calling #’s. I was zoning out thinking about “Harrison” when they called my # for a door prize. A 35 mm Walgreen’s camera that had expired film. I’m not even kidding, lol. I think Mama Dukes and I were the only people at our table not to win any cool gifts. Mama Dukes won some erasers, LOL. We had fun doing it and making fun of our gifts, plus it was a fundraiser, so that was all that mattered. KTU won her classes doggie gift basket and gave me some stuff for my babies, LOL. She also won AWESOME Yankees tickets (which I am secretly hoping Larry can’t make it to, LOL) After the auction completed, Mama Dukes and I headed back to NY. It took TWO HOURS. Apparently, she didn’t know how to get us home. Argh. All I wanted was to sleep. KTU was too hungover for me to come and chill with her, so I wound up calling “B” (who never returned my calls) and then I passed out. That was the extent of my Saturday evening.
Sunday – Woke up at 2PM. Watched some t.v., then I took a nap. Not even kidding. KTU called around 3:30 to see if I wanted to come over for some drinks and grilled yummies with her Larry, and Larry’s son Junior, LOL. I was all over it. I showered and was off to their place. We sat outside and enjoyed the sun and drank. Junior left and we decided to go out to eat instead of grilling. We ordered some drinks and some appetizers. I talked Larry into calling Barnes and Noble to find out if they had that book I previously mentioned. They did and they put one on hold for me. So, we left to go pick it up. We then ordered in some dinner, watched Soprano’s and Big Love. All in all, a nice day with my buddies that I love. I messaged “Harrison” that I bought the book, but didn’t hear back from him.
So Monday night I skipped the gym so that I could take care of the pooches and relax after a long rough weekend, LOL. I fell asleep around 6:30. I was awakened by “Harrison” calling my cell phone. We wound up talking for 2 ½ hours about our relationship, where it’s going, what’s going on with “B,” etc. Then he told me. Sunday night he was out on a date with another girl. WTF?!? I thought he wasn’t ready to date, but now he’s going to date two of us?? I was literally sick to my stomach by this info. He said, “I hate to keep coming back to it, but you went to look at houses with ‘B,’ so what does that mean to you?” Is that why he went out with her?? Then it turns out, it was a second date and HE INVITED HER TO GO SEE HIS BAND PLAY Friday night! “I invited you too!,” he said. He really didn’t. Then he went on to say he wouldn’t pay one of us more attention than the other on Friday night and that he would make an introduction. IS HE KIDDING ME? I am so nauseated by all of this and once again it shows me that my honesty hinders me, not helps me. Maybe I should be a bitch and start lying and playing f***ing head games with guys. Then maybe I will meet one who wants to treat me as I deserve to be treated. I’m not sure what to do with this information he gave me. My mom thinks he is making this girl up because of my relationship/non-relationship with “B.” I’m not sure what to think. All I know is that I am aggravated and I am definitely NOT going to see his band play on Friday night. I’m not sure how to play this. Back off and “take the high road” or keep pursuing a relationship with him? I don’t know. I am getting drunk Friday night. Is he playing mind games with me or what?? 10-4 over and out.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Forgot to Mention....
I am meeting with "Harrison" for drinks tonight. We are going to fall off the wagon, together. I can't wait to see him. Especially since we have been discussing this book since Wednesday! Not that that's what we plan on doing or anything since we are "just friends" and all, but it's been a nice lead into and maybe I will show up at "B's" place drunk and horny. LOL. Not! 10-4 over and out! Hope all your weekends are filled with anal. LOL. (So sick!)
I'm Tired of Bitches and Ho's....
ARGH!!!!! OK, so if you don't work in my industry or for my company, you won't understand most of this. BUT, there is one woman who works here that we refer to as the "Supply Nazi." Well, she used to be until they (for some GOD FORSAKEN REASON) promoted her to Billing Clerk. (How a Receptionist can become a Billing Clerk is beyond me, but that is neither here nor there.) So now she is the Billing Nazi. She won't bill my stuff unless it's 100% correct and matches everything, etc., etc. Which is fine because it cuts down on rebilling my clients etc. BUT now she thinks she has all this power and second guesses everything I say and do. Which REALLY pisses me off because I've done this job for 6 years and she's done hers for about 4 months. Knock it off. Last month she annoyed me so much that I finally said, "Listen. I still make what I make whether you bill this or not. It's my bosses commission your F-ing with, not mine. So feel free to mess with his paycheck, I DON'T CARE!" Argh. That's not the point of this post though. Today my co-worker (who returned this week) had a billing issue from when I was managing her accounts. She said, "Bethany, I think this is supposed to have a net on the order, can you let me know - you told Billing Nazi no net." (You won't know what a net is, I understand). I look up my notes and realize my mailer requested a lower net on their order and it was denied, but the original order still stood - which I didn't realize at the time. My mistake. Is it a big deal? No. You just put in the special password, click rebill and it's fixed. I walked by my accounting department only to hear the Billing Nazi saying my name. NEGATIVELY. Mind you this women KISSES MY ASS to my face all the other times of the month and tries to make joke about not billing my stuff, etc. So I stop and listen. I walk up behind her and she and another co-worker of my continue to talk. "Bethany told me, NO NET. It says it right here? She messed this up!" She continues to bash my error - not knowing I am RIGHT BEHIND HER. Now, let me tell you, this woman works with numbers all day and is dyslexic and f***s up ALL the time. Finally, she turns around and sees me. Totally stunned to see me there. So I say, "Like you NEVER make ANY mistakes. RIGHT! Please!" And I proceed to walk away. Mind you, this woman is obscenely obese. She chased after me (as fast as a woman her size could) and I ignored her. I was annoyed! What a skank! Argh! OK, I'm over it. Needed to vent.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
I LOVE the Weekend....
G'Evening Kids & Porn Stars.... It's almost Friday and I can't wait for FFFFridayyyyy! Not only has it been a ridiculously busy week at work, I am just freaking tired and stressed! My co-worker came back from Maternity Leave - yea! She relieved me A LOT with the workload. I haven't heard from "B" all week, sometimes he can be such a pain in the a**. Splinky called me today to tell me that he has a floating holiday he can use the Friday I am visiting, so we are going to take a drive down to the Keys for a day or two, sweet! Anyway, I am off like a prom dress.... 10-4 over and out.
PF Update:
Hotties Observed: 7, one I spotted on the way out though! One was Big Daddy <3 who didn't see me :(
Work Out Buddy: My iPod
Calories Burned: 410
Miles Done: 3.5
Machine Used: Elliptical
Bad Outfits/Hair Do's: 0, I was too busy staring at the hotties.... LOL
PF Update:
Hotties Observed: 7, one I spotted on the way out though! One was Big Daddy <3 who didn't see me :(
Work Out Buddy: My iPod
Calories Burned: 410
Miles Done: 3.5
Machine Used: Elliptical
Bad Outfits/Hair Do's: 0, I was too busy staring at the hotties.... LOL
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
No Closure SUCKS!
G'morning Kids & Porn Stars.... Happy Wednesday. I am so glad the week is 1/2 over. I'm exhausted today and can't wait to get out of here (work). I am looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend. I e-mailed "Harrison" yesterday to see if he wanted to get together this weekend, but of course, he did not respond. Sometimes I don't get him. If he doesn't want to hang out, he could just write back and say, "I have plans already," or, "No," or something! Argh. Then again, I am assuming he read his e-mails. It's possible he didn't. I don't know. So I called him last night and left a VM. Then, when he called back, I was on the phone with Cowgirl, so I threw his call into VM. I didn't feel like chatting when I got off with her, so I text messaged him and went to sleep. I e-mailed him again today because I was listening to Howard and what they were talking about reminded me of him (Not something I will discuss here, lol). Of course, no response. Very aggravating. My thing is this... Don't say you want to be friends if you don't. Don't tell me you "don't have a crystal ball" and "don't know" if we will try for a relationship again in the future if you have no intentions of even holding a friendship with me. I think I am just over-thinking everything and I am probably being a bitch about the whole thing. I always go back to what Doogie told me a long time ago, "Idle hands are the Devil's workshop," or something like that. I need a freaking hobby. LOL. Anyway, I will see my KTU again this weekend - yea! Other than that, no plans so far. Let's hope "Harrison" owns up and comes out to play with me. I want to see him!
PF Update:
Hotties Observed: 3 only. I got there pretty late last night.
Work Out Buddy: My iPod
Calories Burned: 450
Miles Done: 3.6
Machine Used: Elliptical
Bad Outfits/Hair Do's: Only 1, but it was BAD!
The girl on the elliptical next to me smelled SO Bad. She finally moved to another machine and looked at me like I smelled! I started to think I did. Until she moved and the stink left. Bitch. Ew. Then, this morning I am in the cafeteria in my building (because I forgot my damn oatmeal!) and I see one of the hotties I am always gawking out. He works here!?!? Well, in my building. Time for Bethany to work her charm. LOL. 10-4 over and out.
PF Update:
Hotties Observed: 3 only. I got there pretty late last night.
Work Out Buddy: My iPod
Calories Burned: 450
Miles Done: 3.6
Machine Used: Elliptical
Bad Outfits/Hair Do's: Only 1, but it was BAD!
The girl on the elliptical next to me smelled SO Bad. She finally moved to another machine and looked at me like I smelled! I started to think I did. Until she moved and the stink left. Bitch. Ew. Then, this morning I am in the cafeteria in my building (because I forgot my damn oatmeal!) and I see one of the hotties I am always gawking out. He works here!?!? Well, in my building. Time for Bethany to work her charm. LOL. 10-4 over and out.
Monday, April 03, 2006
PF Update....
My job had a freaking fire alarm at 4:50 PM. They expected us to stay. Heck no. I left and went right to the gym. Got an awesome parking spot and worked out like an animal. HOT!
PF Update:
Hotties Observed: 6, some new ones in the mix tonight! The one I stared at HAD to have been a cop!
Work Out Buddy: My iPod
Calories Burned: 530
Miles Done: 4.2
Machine Used: Elliptical
Bad Outfits/Hair Do's: 3 - Roots, Sweetie!
I forgot to mention, over the weekend "B" and I looked at a few houses in PR. (We didn't go in, just drove by). The one I LOVE he yelled, "That has to have 5 bedrooms! Are you nuts??" I replied, "Where do you think the kids are going to sleep? Your apartment??" He smiled, lol. Why are we talking kids and looking at hosues??
I just realized there were COPS at Mama Dukes work thing yesterday. I should have gone, there were two cuties! Damn it!!!
10-4 over and out.
PF Update:
Hotties Observed: 6, some new ones in the mix tonight! The one I stared at HAD to have been a cop!
Work Out Buddy: My iPod
Calories Burned: 530
Miles Done: 4.2
Machine Used: Elliptical
Bad Outfits/Hair Do's: 3 - Roots, Sweetie!
I forgot to mention, over the weekend "B" and I looked at a few houses in PR. (We didn't go in, just drove by). The one I LOVE he yelled, "That has to have 5 bedrooms! Are you nuts??" I replied, "Where do you think the kids are going to sleep? Your apartment??" He smiled, lol. Why are we talking kids and looking at hosues??
I just realized there were COPS at Mama Dukes work thing yesterday. I should have gone, there were two cuties! Damn it!!!
10-4 over and out.
Johnny Bravo!!!!!!!
G'Afternoon Kids & Porn Stars.... Happy Monday! I know you have all been checking back to see if I had posted my weekend recap, so here you are!:
Friday - Could not WAIT to get out of work. The morning started early and being late to work because I, again, had to go see the police in my town. I think my stalker has given up, finally, and I think that has all died down. The Flirt had something to do with it, so again I say thank you to him. So I got to work late, had to work through lunch, and stay a little late... "B" and I planned to meet at our place at 5:30 for a Happy Hour drink. He was late, so I sat by myself for a round... Or two. The guy next to me started talking to me and boom! there was "B."
***Side Note - I am going back to my old nicknames. I like them better and if my stalkers really have that much time to search me and find my new blog, it will A) give me more ammo for the police and B) prove that they are the stalkers C) Prove they have no life. LOL. End Side Note***
As soon as the guy I was talking to saw "B," he winked at me and said, "Hey 'B' I am so sorry - I was going to try to pick her up!" So not going to have happened!! LOL. We'll call him JB. So "B" and him chat (they know one another from softball) and we all start chatting. It was nice to see "B." :) Then JB's girlfriend shows up... He was going to pick me up?? "B" knows the GF too and she and I hit it off. Soon we are doing shots and all talking. Well, they are fighting and "B" and I are sitting there uncomfortably nodding and laughing. We are all over the bar and KTU is messaging me and I am messaging her. Then I think I am messaging her, "Are you drinking?," but no, I messaged "Harrison." Ooops. Before I left work, I had taken en Ephedra pill I had. I didn't want "B" to think we lost the pizzazz if I left because I was tired or whatever. Then CB (the girl I met) had me doing Red Bull shots. So not good for my system. KTU called me and I say, "We met a couple!" She says, "What are you? Swingers??" LOL. "B" and I finally have some down time and we are talking. I tell him about my last night with "Harrison." I tell him EVERYTHING. When KTU called me (Or I called her, LOL) she said, "Please take some Immodium for your verbal Diapoopies!! Don't tell him things like that! Nooooo!" But, "B" was surprisingly OK with it. Will this come back to bite me in the ass? Probably. Regardless of what happens with "B," he is a best friend and I didn't like lying to him. So now he knows and what he does with the info is up to him. We continue drinking. "Harrison" calls my cell and "B" gets mad, so I let it go into VM. He left a cute message, but he is so cute. "B" tells me he loves me and that I am beautiful. So I want "Harrison" because I can't have him? I don't know. Two trainers come in that we know and we chat with one of them for a bit. The other one - who's always been a dick - goes into the bathroom with his guy friend. The ladies bathroom. How gay is that? Seriously? They said that the men's room smelled bad. "B" and I looked at each other confused. "How would you know anyway," the guy friend asks me. "Do you frequent the mens room?," he asked. "Actually, yes, I do," I say. Weird. Around midnight I've had it. "We need to go," I say to "B." He was not happy. But, he agrees and we leave. I hadn't eaten dinner and had all those shots. So, we left and went back to his apartment where I proceeded to spill something oily on the floor, slip on it, and whack my arm on the bathroom door. I have a bruise now and it REALLY hurts! Ouch! I slept soooo good, it was weird since his bed sucks.
Saturday - Woke up promptly at 8AM. Could not fall back to sleep. My body was shaking. I had to have been the Ephedra and Red Bull. I then decided to annoy "B" until he woke up. He was not thrilled with me. Our tummies were growling, so we decided to go to Friendly's for breakfast. Mmmmm. Then I was tired again, but since he was "already up" his "day had started." So I went home for a nap. It was such a great nap. Mama Dukes gave me crap about not helping around the house and she is still mad at me. What would she have done if I didn't live there? How annoying. All she has to do is ask, but she feels she "shouldn't have to ask." I offered to pay for a cleaning service, got her a gift certificate for a full house cleaning (she hasn't used yet), and clean up after myself. What more does she want? So annoying. So I went back to "B's" at 6:45 since we were meeting Kel-Kel and RyRy at 7 at my favorite Italian eatery for a double date. ;) Dinner was good, the company was better. They were crazy to treat "B" and I - we owe you a dinner and THANK YOU AGAIN!!!! After dinner we were going to check out this band Kel-Kel knew of. One of her colleagues was the drummer, so we headed off to Bar None. We were the only customers. RyRy got a drink and I got a Twisted Tea with a special straw even though I "wasn't drinking" Saturday night. People finally started arriving and the band came on. I can't remember the name - mental block. I got to meet some of Kel-Kel's co-workers. The one that stands out is the Social Worker guy that was mean to her (bastard). First off, he looked like Greg Brady. Secondly, he tucked his tea shirt into his jeans. Not a good look. After the first set, I yell out, "Johnny Bravo" and RyRy and I fed off of one another. Kel-Kel was not thrilled with us. LOL. Oooops. Was it wrong to be mean? Haha. We decided to go and surprise Maggie Sue down in NJ at the Toga Party. So we drove down only to discover she was not where we thought she was. Poop. So we had one round there and RyRy was significantly drunk (I think) and we decided to leave. Cigarette smoke is yucky - I can't wait until it's banned in NJ! We said our goodbyes and we headed home. "B" was so annoying when we got back to his place - he kept tickling me and all I wanted to do was sleep. Jerky. I finally got to bed.... And sleep was so good.
Sunday - Woke up around noon - which was now 1 PM. "B" was gone already to play racquetball with his bro. I made his bed, packed up my stuff and left. I laid in bed all day until 7. I decided it was time to eat, got up and went for food. Mama Dukes was back when I returned and she was nasty... Still. She is aggravating. I watched t.v. in my room for the rest of the night and relaxed. I heart weekends like this. Except that spending so much time with "B" is confusing because I'm not sure what we are to one another or what we are doing. Argh.
Today, Mama Dukes is still mad at me (just called her to see if she needed anything from the store). What a big freaking baby. "I shouldn't have to ask you to do things." Then how the heck will I know what needs to be done? If you don't ask, it won't get done. If I have to tell her this one more time, I might beat her. LOL. It's times like this that I absolutely HATE living at home. LOL. Anyway, so busy at work, need to get my orders in.... 10-4 over and out.
***On Wednesday, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the
morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. That won't happen again for 100 years.
Friday - Could not WAIT to get out of work. The morning started early and being late to work because I, again, had to go see the police in my town. I think my stalker has given up, finally, and I think that has all died down. The Flirt had something to do with it, so again I say thank you to him. So I got to work late, had to work through lunch, and stay a little late... "B" and I planned to meet at our place at 5:30 for a Happy Hour drink. He was late, so I sat by myself for a round... Or two. The guy next to me started talking to me and boom! there was "B."
***Side Note - I am going back to my old nicknames. I like them better and if my stalkers really have that much time to search me and find my new blog, it will A) give me more ammo for the police and B) prove that they are the stalkers C) Prove they have no life. LOL. End Side Note***
As soon as the guy I was talking to saw "B," he winked at me and said, "Hey 'B' I am so sorry - I was going to try to pick her up!" So not going to have happened!! LOL. We'll call him JB. So "B" and him chat (they know one another from softball) and we all start chatting. It was nice to see "B." :) Then JB's girlfriend shows up... He was going to pick me up?? "B" knows the GF too and she and I hit it off. Soon we are doing shots and all talking. Well, they are fighting and "B" and I are sitting there uncomfortably nodding and laughing. We are all over the bar and KTU is messaging me and I am messaging her. Then I think I am messaging her, "Are you drinking?," but no, I messaged "Harrison." Ooops. Before I left work, I had taken en Ephedra pill I had. I didn't want "B" to think we lost the pizzazz if I left because I was tired or whatever. Then CB (the girl I met) had me doing Red Bull shots. So not good for my system. KTU called me and I say, "We met a couple!" She says, "What are you? Swingers??" LOL. "B" and I finally have some down time and we are talking. I tell him about my last night with "Harrison." I tell him EVERYTHING. When KTU called me (Or I called her, LOL) she said, "Please take some Immodium for your verbal Diapoopies!! Don't tell him things like that! Nooooo!" But, "B" was surprisingly OK with it. Will this come back to bite me in the ass? Probably. Regardless of what happens with "B," he is a best friend and I didn't like lying to him. So now he knows and what he does with the info is up to him. We continue drinking. "Harrison" calls my cell and "B" gets mad, so I let it go into VM. He left a cute message, but he is so cute. "B" tells me he loves me and that I am beautiful. So I want "Harrison" because I can't have him? I don't know. Two trainers come in that we know and we chat with one of them for a bit. The other one - who's always been a dick - goes into the bathroom with his guy friend. The ladies bathroom. How gay is that? Seriously? They said that the men's room smelled bad. "B" and I looked at each other confused. "How would you know anyway," the guy friend asks me. "Do you frequent the mens room?," he asked. "Actually, yes, I do," I say. Weird. Around midnight I've had it. "We need to go," I say to "B." He was not happy. But, he agrees and we leave. I hadn't eaten dinner and had all those shots. So, we left and went back to his apartment where I proceeded to spill something oily on the floor, slip on it, and whack my arm on the bathroom door. I have a bruise now and it REALLY hurts! Ouch! I slept soooo good, it was weird since his bed sucks.
Saturday - Woke up promptly at 8AM. Could not fall back to sleep. My body was shaking. I had to have been the Ephedra and Red Bull. I then decided to annoy "B" until he woke up. He was not thrilled with me. Our tummies were growling, so we decided to go to Friendly's for breakfast. Mmmmm. Then I was tired again, but since he was "already up" his "day had started." So I went home for a nap. It was such a great nap. Mama Dukes gave me crap about not helping around the house and she is still mad at me. What would she have done if I didn't live there? How annoying. All she has to do is ask, but she feels she "shouldn't have to ask." I offered to pay for a cleaning service, got her a gift certificate for a full house cleaning (she hasn't used yet), and clean up after myself. What more does she want? So annoying. So I went back to "B's" at 6:45 since we were meeting Kel-Kel and RyRy at 7 at my favorite Italian eatery for a double date. ;) Dinner was good, the company was better. They were crazy to treat "B" and I - we owe you a dinner and THANK YOU AGAIN!!!! After dinner we were going to check out this band Kel-Kel knew of. One of her colleagues was the drummer, so we headed off to Bar None. We were the only customers. RyRy got a drink and I got a Twisted Tea with a special straw even though I "wasn't drinking" Saturday night. People finally started arriving and the band came on. I can't remember the name - mental block. I got to meet some of Kel-Kel's co-workers. The one that stands out is the Social Worker guy that was mean to her (bastard). First off, he looked like Greg Brady. Secondly, he tucked his tea shirt into his jeans. Not a good look. After the first set, I yell out, "Johnny Bravo" and RyRy and I fed off of one another. Kel-Kel was not thrilled with us. LOL. Oooops. Was it wrong to be mean? Haha. We decided to go and surprise Maggie Sue down in NJ at the Toga Party. So we drove down only to discover she was not where we thought she was. Poop. So we had one round there and RyRy was significantly drunk (I think) and we decided to leave. Cigarette smoke is yucky - I can't wait until it's banned in NJ! We said our goodbyes and we headed home. "B" was so annoying when we got back to his place - he kept tickling me and all I wanted to do was sleep. Jerky. I finally got to bed.... And sleep was so good.
Sunday - Woke up around noon - which was now 1 PM. "B" was gone already to play racquetball with his bro. I made his bed, packed up my stuff and left. I laid in bed all day until 7. I decided it was time to eat, got up and went for food. Mama Dukes was back when I returned and she was nasty... Still. She is aggravating. I watched t.v. in my room for the rest of the night and relaxed. I heart weekends like this. Except that spending so much time with "B" is confusing because I'm not sure what we are to one another or what we are doing. Argh.
Today, Mama Dukes is still mad at me (just called her to see if she needed anything from the store). What a big freaking baby. "I shouldn't have to ask you to do things." Then how the heck will I know what needs to be done? If you don't ask, it won't get done. If I have to tell her this one more time, I might beat her. LOL. It's times like this that I absolutely HATE living at home. LOL. Anyway, so busy at work, need to get my orders in.... 10-4 over and out.
***On Wednesday, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the
morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. That won't happen again for 100 years.
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