Friday - My job closed at 3. It was a nice surprise and I was SO in need of a nap. They also brought in lunch which was nice too. By the time 3 PM rolled around, I couldn't wait to get out of there. Then it happened as I was driving home. I hit and killed a squirrel. :( I couldn't believe it. I always brake for animals, but this one came out of no where and the car in front of me as blocking it. I actually cried a little (I think it was PMS, but I did feel bad). I took it as a sign of a bad impending weekend. So I headed home and grabbed a nap. It was much needed sleep even though the phone kept ringing and the dogs kept barking. I dozed in and out of consciousness until about 7:30 PM. I called my Cowgirl to find out her ETA so we could get the party started - right and quickly. She arrived at my place and we prettied ourselves up and were off. I decided we should start at my favorite place in P.R. ("Your predictability will be your downfall." "Harrison" told me on Saturday... LOL) Of course, when we arrived "B" was there with all of his boys. I saw his car, so I wasn't going to go in, but Cowgirl said, "Just ignore him, LOL." So we went. I tried to hide myself while we walked in, but he caught me. We smiled and waived and Cowgirl and I proceeded to the other end of the bar. Playing hard to get, lol. We had a drink or two, the she went outside for a smoke. "B" came over to say hi and then was introduced to the Cowgirl. He decided to go back to his buddies and wouldn't kiss me goodbye. JERK! So we decided to leave and I went to say goodbye. "You're leaving? Where are you going?" I smiled. "Oh, nice. Have fun...," he said sarcastically. He assumed I was going to see "Harrison's" band. We left and drove by the bar where "Harrison" was playing. It was not busy and I had no wig to wear, so we opted not to go in. LOL. We headed over to this dance club/bar I knew of. It no longer existed! So we headed back to PR and had a drink or two at a different pub and danced. We decided to eat, so we headed over to the mill for some eats and some more drinkies. On the way back, we passed "Harrison" again and his gig appeared to be over. We headed back to my favorite bar and "B" was gone. We met two cuties, but my girl was depressed and wanted to go home. I finally fell asleep around 5 AM.
Saturday - Had a lovely wake up call (doorbell) at 8AM. Just 3 short hours after I went to bed. My neighbor. How nice of her. Needless to say, I did not answer the door. She was delivering a pie to my mom. AT 8AM??? WTF? I fell back to sleep briefly, but the phone kept ringing and there was no point. "Harrison" called and told me about his night. I told him we drove by and checked things out. We decided we would get together Sunday night. Mama Dukes wanted to shop, so we headed out. She was rude and annoying, so I ignored her on most of the trip out. When we got home, I ate some din-din, then retreated to my room. I finally fell asleep and "B" called. He was heading out with his boys and wanted to know if I wanted to meet up later in the night. I hardly heard him I was so tired. "Go back to sleep," he said, "We'll get together Monday or Tuesday night before you leave for Florida." Awe. He's going to miss me, LOL. I finally fell asleep.
Sunday - Happy Easter! Woke up early - again. Mama Dukes was STILL being Grouchy, Nasty Mama Dukes and left without saying goodbye, F-off, nothing. She was off to AC with her friend. I went back to sleep. I finally woke up at noon and started to get ready to go to Kel-Kel and RyRy's. I left Mama Dukes in charge of picking up wine. She did well with the White Zin, but not so well with the Red. LOL. After an incident with almost running out of gas, I arrive at their house.... The last one to arrive :( We hung out for a bit, colored some eggs, chatted. It was weird to see her baby sister all grown up and her mom looked exactly the same!!! :) RyRy was full of his sarcastic comments that I love, lol. I remember when she was so young and a cheerleader, lol! Dinner time came and we feasted down on an AWESOME dinner :) Then we had some yummy desserts. We finished up early and I need to get home to the pups.
**Thanks again for the invite!! Dinner was mucho Yum and it was (once again) great to see you and RyRy!!!!)**
I said goodbye and headed home.... After feeding the pups, I settled into the couch with a new book and a blanket when "Harrison" called. Awe.... We decided I would come by his place around 9. I got dressed and ready to go and was off to his place by 8:45. Of course, the Thruway was bumper to bumper traffic. Lovely. I arrived and we chatted. We laid on the couch together and watched t.v. We looked through a book together. He gave me a colored egg. "That's for you," he said. So cute. We drank a little. Around 11, we decided to go to bed. We cuddled and he is too cute. Yes, I know he's 41 (And I am only 28!!! LOL). I think he made up the other girl he went on two dates with - all signs point to Mama Dukes was right. I know he should have been married at least once already or be married by now. I'd rather see him not married or divorced and know that he didn't get married just to get married. He's waiting for the right one... Which is what I am doing too and what I hope everyone does :). I like this one and hope things work out. I mean, I love "B," but I can't keep waiting around forever for him to come around. Keeping my options open, having fun with both. Until I need to decide, or meet a 3rd - LOL, this is good for now. I care about them both and I know in their own strange ways, they care about me. :) Liv, I like older men! I can't help it! LOL. Until tomorrow folks, I'm off like a prom dress. 10-4 over and out.
Hoppy Easter and Happy Passover too!

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