Monday, May 15, 2006

I Forgot to Recap My "Weekend."

Friday - went home and napped. "Harrison" and I decided to meet up at his 'favorite' pub for drinks. I headed over and made it there by 9:45 PM. I waited for him and looked for his car - didn't see it. Then I saw a college buddy of mine head in - so I figured I was safe if he didn't show or wasn't there yet. So I headed in. There he was, at the door talking to the bouncer. The bounce said, "It's a $5 cover charge." "I got it," "Harrison" said, handing a 5 spot to the bouncer. "Oh, is this your wife?," the bouncer asked. "Harrison" stuttered and said, "No, ahhh, ahhh, a friend." Ouch. I waited for him to stop talking, we headed in, and I headed over to my buddy and said hello. :) Then I sat down and ordered a drink. Yes, I broke down and had Twisted Tea. I wasn't sure how the wine would taste at this place. The bartender came over and we chatted with him. I felt like he was hitting on me, which was nice because "Harrison" was acting slightly strange (He picked the place though!). The band came on, we each had 3 rounds, I was slightly buzzed. It's about midnight and "Harrison" says, "I'm done, I'm leaving." I said, "Oh, OK," sounding disappointed. We hadn't discussed me coming over or anything. I wasn't going to stay alone though, so I finished my drink and grabbed my bag. The bartender says, "Where are you going?!?!" "Harrison" says, "She's leaving." I looked at the bartender and at "Harrison" and said, "Guess I'm leaving," and we were off. We went outside and he said, "where are you parked?" "Over there," I answered. "So, you'll follow me?," he asked. I nodded. I guess that was the invite or maybe it was implied at some earlier point. Not sure. We headed back to his place, watched some tube, at some "nuts" (LOL), and went sleepies around 2 AM. All in all, a nice evening.

Saturday - we woke up at 9:30 with "Harrison" being crazed about waking up too late. He had a ton of stuff to do, so I headed home. I slept most of the morning and then the below post happened. I went to bed early after calling "B" several times - he was MIA. How nice. He was too sick to go out with me, but not to sick to be out?? WTF? (turns out he was at his mom's, but at the time, I was PISSED).

Sunday - Mama Dukes was bitchy. Probably because my shitbag brother didn't call her, but she lightened up when we went to dinner with AK. It was nice to be able to take them out to dinner. My aunt was shocked I considered her like a mom and was thrilled I invited her along. Um hello? Dumb thought, lol, she takes care of me too! :)

This was my emotionally draining weekend. It was good and bad all rolled into one. "Harrison" said he'd write a recommendation for me for school, so it wasn't all bad! :) 10-4 over and out.

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