Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
Drug Pusher....
G'Evening Kids & Porn Stars... I had a jam packed weekend and I am still exhausted from it. Last Thursday I had a surprise phone call in regards to setting up an interview. I had been called before, returned the call, and never heard back, so I chocked it up to bad timing and that it wasn't meant to be. So when the Boss Man called again, I was pleasantly surprised. I made it a point to call back Friday - no matter what and I did and I was set up on an interview for Saturday AM. The thing is, it is where RyRy works. If I do get hired, I would be working with him. So, I immediately contacted him for pointers and tips and between him, Kel-Kel and I, it was decided I would head up to there place for some dinner and so I could chat with RyRy. I was afraid of getting the job and taking it and being a screw up and having RyRy look bad. I was afraid of taking the job and getting into school and quitting in 3 years and having RyRy look bad. I was just plain scared of getting a new job. But, most of all, I have an underlying fear of working with my friends husband. I mean, look at what happened with KTU and Larry. I know damn well that would NEVER happen, but now I am gun shy. I worked off all that worry and decided to hell with it, it was time to make Bethany better. So, Friday night I harassed RyRy for info, we had some din-din, did some online shopping ;), and then I headed home to get rested up for the AM interview. I said my goodbyes and left.
Saturday - I woke up so early. Partly because of nerves and partly because I wanted to make sure I had enough time to get there. I dressed, printed off some fresh copies of my resume and headed off. I met with RyRy's boss and we talked for about an hour. I left the interview feeling good about things and headed straight home for a nap. Later that night, "B" called.
"What are you doing tonight?," He asked.
"Hanging out with you, I thought," I answered.
"Yea, right, I am at a party, I'll explain later.... I'll call you soon."
WTF? He's at a party and didn't invite me? I called him back and he "couldn't hear me." I text messaged him. Was I just supposed to wait for him to call me back - possibly very late or not at all? He finally called me around 8. Apparently, he took on a second job, bartending at parties. Now he knows I am looking for a cake job like that and he goes and schmoozes HIS way into a job like that? Argh. So we make plans to go eat, I get ready and headed over. It was nice to see him.... Just like the weekend before, all those feelings from the beginning of our relationship rushed back to me. We headed out for some eats and talked over my interview and the condos I would be looking at. He talked about his two jobs and I gave him some bartending pointers. After we ate, we headed over to The Saloon for some drinks. We talked some more and out it came....
"Marriage is off the table. I can't stand talking about it anymore!," he said to me.
"Your a piece of shit," I said.
I got drunk on two glasses of wine and then we went back to his place where in the throws of passion, I bit his lip. Hard. F**ker deserved it. I set my alarm for 8:45 and we passed out.
Sunday - I woke "B" up to say goodbye and I was off for my house. I quickly dressed and then Mama Dukes and I were off to "upstate" to look at condo's with my cousin. I was able to look at 3 and I fell in love with one. The only thing holding me back from making an offer was I still have not heard back from my Stock Broker guy... Very frustrating. After we looked at the places (and Mama Dukes was SO negative about the complex.... Showing signs that she doesn't want me to move out, again frustrating), we headed out to lunch and shopping. By the time I got home, I was so wiped I needed a nap. It was a very long, very productive weekend.
So here I am, Wednesday morning, finally getting a chance to finish this post. Work has been crazy and they let my friend The OC go yesterday. I am really starting to hate this place and hate the way they do things here. I can't fathom how some people who do absolutely nothing get promoted and congratulated while those of us who bust ass get crapped on. Right before I found out they let her go, I was given the news that I would be once again pulled to work part time in another department because I am so "intelligent" and because I am "such a hard worker." No, it's just that I have a boss who will bend over and take it in the ass rather than stick up for me. The kicker? My co-worker/teammate is out of the office again this week for 2 days (death in her family) and will be out part of week next week since the day care is closed for the holiday. I don't begrudge her these things and I don't hold it against her. But, I am covering her desk, just got finished covering VSP's desk while she was in Vegas, my boss doesn't do ANYTHING, and now they want to give me MORE responsibilities?? WHERE THE F**K IS MY TIME OFF??? Oh that's right, when I ask for time, I get guilted into not taking it, or taking a shorter time period, or getting crapped on when I get back. ARGH!!!!!! On top of this, the Stock Broker Guy called me (after having my stuff for a month and a half!!!) to tell me he "can't help" me. Dick. Then my cousin called to tell me there was an offer in on the condo I fell in love with. Tuesday just wasn't my day. The only good thing about Tuesday? A nice e-mail from "B," a few good chuckles with The Cowgirl, and my Kel-Kel called me to tell me that RyRy's boss liked me (fingers crossed!!!). I couldn't sleep last night and right now I want to cry. Not because of my stuff - I'll get through it all, I always do - but for The OC. She didn't need this and she doesn't deserve this. I am so aggravated with this company that I think I will suck them dry of a little overtime today. Bastards. 10-4 over and out.
Saturday - I woke up so early. Partly because of nerves and partly because I wanted to make sure I had enough time to get there. I dressed, printed off some fresh copies of my resume and headed off. I met with RyRy's boss and we talked for about an hour. I left the interview feeling good about things and headed straight home for a nap. Later that night, "B" called.
"What are you doing tonight?," He asked.
"Hanging out with you, I thought," I answered.
"Yea, right, I am at a party, I'll explain later.... I'll call you soon."
WTF? He's at a party and didn't invite me? I called him back and he "couldn't hear me." I text messaged him. Was I just supposed to wait for him to call me back - possibly very late or not at all? He finally called me around 8. Apparently, he took on a second job, bartending at parties. Now he knows I am looking for a cake job like that and he goes and schmoozes HIS way into a job like that? Argh. So we make plans to go eat, I get ready and headed over. It was nice to see him.... Just like the weekend before, all those feelings from the beginning of our relationship rushed back to me. We headed out for some eats and talked over my interview and the condos I would be looking at. He talked about his two jobs and I gave him some bartending pointers. After we ate, we headed over to The Saloon for some drinks. We talked some more and out it came....
"Marriage is off the table. I can't stand talking about it anymore!," he said to me.
"Your a piece of shit," I said.
I got drunk on two glasses of wine and then we went back to his place where in the throws of passion, I bit his lip. Hard. F**ker deserved it. I set my alarm for 8:45 and we passed out.
Sunday - I woke "B" up to say goodbye and I was off for my house. I quickly dressed and then Mama Dukes and I were off to "upstate" to look at condo's with my cousin. I was able to look at 3 and I fell in love with one. The only thing holding me back from making an offer was I still have not heard back from my Stock Broker guy... Very frustrating. After we looked at the places (and Mama Dukes was SO negative about the complex.... Showing signs that she doesn't want me to move out, again frustrating), we headed out to lunch and shopping. By the time I got home, I was so wiped I needed a nap. It was a very long, very productive weekend.
So here I am, Wednesday morning, finally getting a chance to finish this post. Work has been crazy and they let my friend The OC go yesterday. I am really starting to hate this place and hate the way they do things here. I can't fathom how some people who do absolutely nothing get promoted and congratulated while those of us who bust ass get crapped on. Right before I found out they let her go, I was given the news that I would be once again pulled to work part time in another department because I am so "intelligent" and because I am "such a hard worker." No, it's just that I have a boss who will bend over and take it in the ass rather than stick up for me. The kicker? My co-worker/teammate is out of the office again this week for 2 days (death in her family) and will be out part of week next week since the day care is closed for the holiday. I don't begrudge her these things and I don't hold it against her. But, I am covering her desk, just got finished covering VSP's desk while she was in Vegas, my boss doesn't do ANYTHING, and now they want to give me MORE responsibilities?? WHERE THE F**K IS MY TIME OFF??? Oh that's right, when I ask for time, I get guilted into not taking it, or taking a shorter time period, or getting crapped on when I get back. ARGH!!!!!! On top of this, the Stock Broker Guy called me (after having my stuff for a month and a half!!!) to tell me he "can't help" me. Dick. Then my cousin called to tell me there was an offer in on the condo I fell in love with. Tuesday just wasn't my day. The only good thing about Tuesday? A nice e-mail from "B," a few good chuckles with The Cowgirl, and my Kel-Kel called me to tell me that RyRy's boss liked me (fingers crossed!!!). I couldn't sleep last night and right now I want to cry. Not because of my stuff - I'll get through it all, I always do - but for The OC. She didn't need this and she doesn't deserve this. I am so aggravated with this company that I think I will suck them dry of a little overtime today. Bastards. 10-4 over and out.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Yes, I'm Still Alive....
G'morning Kids & Porn Stars.... Happy Monday... I'm here, still alive and kicking. Well, alive at least. Not much to report in Bethanyland. I haven't been doing much of anything lately.... Just working and sleeping and not blogging. The only thing to report is that Friday night I finally got to see my "B." We started at "our place." We stayed for a drink or two, then headed to another bar/pu for some dinner. I wasn't much in the mood for drinks, so I only had one (go me!). We ate some din-din, then we rented a movie (Date Movie - terrible), and went back to his place. Of course, as per my MO, I fell asleep within the first 10 minutes. I woke up several times in the middle of the night, but felt happy and comfortable to find myself sleeping next to him. The next morning, when I went to leave, we kissed goodye. And all the butterflies and excited feeling rushed through me. I found it so weird that almost 3 years later and after everything that happened with "Harrison" that I could still get butterflies from "B." It felt like old times. I really missed him. I spent the rest of the weekend umming around my house and vegging out.
My endless mortgage and condo search is still endless. I found quite e few nice places, but I still have not heard from my stock broker as to how much $ I will have to put down.... So, I haven't contacted my mortgage broker yet to see what I can qualify for.
We had a company happy hour last week and the only thing I have to show for it is a new pint glass for my collection. LOL.
KTU doesn't seem to be talking to me. The last time she e-mailed me she said she wasn't comfortable speaking to me just yet, but that I am her best friend still. How is this even possible? I don't even know what is going on in her life and she has no idea what is going on in mine. I don't know how to fix this thing with us and what REALLY pisses me off is that I didn't do anything wrong.
Cowgirl is being moody... I decided to hang with "B" and not rush my day with him on Saturday and not walk with her. So, now I am in the dog house because my whole life doesn't revolve around weight loss, talking about how much I want to/need to lose, talking about how to do it, or yelling at her or getting yelled at by her for eating unhealthy. That just isn't fun to me. Or helpful. Neither is telling me how good I looked 3 years ago. Argh.
I just can't seem to get out of the hole with people.
I am so tired, yet I am restless. I can't seem to get my mind off a buying a place or getting into school. Plus I need a second job in order to afford a mortgage. Too much stress. Other than that, I have nothing else going on and nothing to show for all my hard work. LOL. I'm off like a prom dress. My life is SO boring. 10-4 over and out.
My endless mortgage and condo search is still endless. I found quite e few nice places, but I still have not heard from my stock broker as to how much $ I will have to put down.... So, I haven't contacted my mortgage broker yet to see what I can qualify for.
We had a company happy hour last week and the only thing I have to show for it is a new pint glass for my collection. LOL.
KTU doesn't seem to be talking to me. The last time she e-mailed me she said she wasn't comfortable speaking to me just yet, but that I am her best friend still. How is this even possible? I don't even know what is going on in her life and she has no idea what is going on in mine. I don't know how to fix this thing with us and what REALLY pisses me off is that I didn't do anything wrong.
Cowgirl is being moody... I decided to hang with "B" and not rush my day with him on Saturday and not walk with her. So, now I am in the dog house because my whole life doesn't revolve around weight loss, talking about how much I want to/need to lose, talking about how to do it, or yelling at her or getting yelled at by her for eating unhealthy. That just isn't fun to me. Or helpful. Neither is telling me how good I looked 3 years ago. Argh.
I just can't seem to get out of the hole with people.
I am so tired, yet I am restless. I can't seem to get my mind off a buying a place or getting into school. Plus I need a second job in order to afford a mortgage. Too much stress. Other than that, I have nothing else going on and nothing to show for all my hard work. LOL. I'm off like a prom dress. My life is SO boring. 10-4 over and out.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Where Are You From? Here’s a Teabag!
G'morning Kids & Porn Stars.... Happy Friday!
I need to start off this post by giving a VERY Special birthday wish to my Kel-Kel. It was yesterday, but I was unable to get to blogging. (I guess that’s what happens when you work until 7:30PM, then go to the gym for an hour, then your internet is moving at a snails pace when you finally get home.) Enough with the excuses, Happy Birthday, Kel-Kel! I hope you had a great one!!
Not much else is going on in Bethany Land, just been working my arse off since the month began. Work has been crazier than it’s been in months and it seems like my co-worker and I have done nothing but make some errors on our orders (which makes matters even worse). So this whole week has been about accounting issues and meeting deadlines. I can’t wait to get out of here tonight. Most nights this week, I’ve been here until close to 8PM and tonight I am leaving at 5 on the dot. I just hope I can make it until then.
I thought I had so much more to write, but as I sat down to write this, nothing is coming to mind. I guess that’s what happens when your whole life is work. Fun. I’ll keep you posted if anything new and exciting happens or pops up. For now, I’m just glad it’s Friday. 10-4 Over and out.
I need to start off this post by giving a VERY Special birthday wish to my Kel-Kel. It was yesterday, but I was unable to get to blogging. (I guess that’s what happens when you work until 7:30PM, then go to the gym for an hour, then your internet is moving at a snails pace when you finally get home.) Enough with the excuses, Happy Birthday, Kel-Kel! I hope you had a great one!!
Not much else is going on in Bethany Land, just been working my arse off since the month began. Work has been crazier than it’s been in months and it seems like my co-worker and I have done nothing but make some errors on our orders (which makes matters even worse). So this whole week has been about accounting issues and meeting deadlines. I can’t wait to get out of here tonight. Most nights this week, I’ve been here until close to 8PM and tonight I am leaving at 5 on the dot. I just hope I can make it until then.
I thought I had so much more to write, but as I sat down to write this, nothing is coming to mind. I guess that’s what happens when your whole life is work. Fun. I’ll keep you posted if anything new and exciting happens or pops up. For now, I’m just glad it’s Friday. 10-4 Over and out.
Monday, June 05, 2006
I Am The Revolution....
G'evening Kids & Porn Stars, happy Monday. So, here we are, another week of work, another dollar to my name. So my weekend didn’t turn out as bad as I thought it would. I thought I would be having a big loser weekend by myself watching some flicks and sleeping (all to the annoyance of Mama Dukes), but that didn’t happen. Mid morning on Friday SVU e-mailed me, “What are you doing tonight, do you have any plans?” I responded back that my a-hole friend bailed out on me and no, I didn’t have plans. As it turned out, she and 2 other girlies from work were heading out for Happy Hour over in Westchester and wanted me to come chill with them. I was not dressed for an outing, but I decided, “Why not?” So, I trekked through the day, rushing to get things done so I could leave at 5. Shortly before we left, “B” e-mailed me and we chatted momentarily and made plans for Saturday night. We headed out and went to this inside/outside bar in Tarrytown. Everyone there was at minimum 55+ years old, so we knew quickly that we would not be meeting men. Poli’s friends showed up and we decided to eat dinner with them there. We had some yummy eats, then headed outside. We decided the place wasn’t really our speed and we headed out to another bar. It was pouring at this point, we raced over, and ran inside. The age range was around the same and this place had a cover charge, so we headed out as quickly as we headed in. We headed over to another bar, only to find it empty as well. We stayed for one drink and the conversation quickly turned to sex toys. We opted to head over to the XXX store in the area and “teach” our buddy SVU what was good about those stores. When we arrived, a salesperson took us around and explained everything to us. We had a blast even thought SVU was so modest she wound up leaving to use the bathroom and not coming back until the rest of us had made our purchases. At this point it was past midnight and we were all turning into pumpkins. We said our goodbyes and were off to home.
Saturday I woke up early and laid in bed all day waiting for a delivery guy to show for Mama Dukes (He never showed). I didn’t hear from “B,” but Kel-Kel called, so I made plans to meet up with her and RyRy later on that night. Our friend Dimar’s band was playing and we figured why not check it out…. I figured if “B” got back to me, he would just come too. We finally connected and he was going to meet us there later on that night if he was feeling up to it. I got dressed and headed over around 10. There were some hotties in the bar, but I kept it cool just in case “B” did pop in. Kel-Kel brought her sister whom I hadn’t seen in years and it was nice (and weird!) so see her as an adult. :) As the band played, we watched her wipe the floor with all the guys on the pool table and I checked out the hotties and the perverts who were watching her, lol. We stayed until around midnight, the band wasn’t what we expected and Dimar was more interested in making out with one of the groupies then chit chatting with us, so we headed out around midnight. We decided to head over to the diner and got some grub. I was home fairly early and although I was tempted to head over to Chubby’s, I went straight home like a good girl.
Sunday Mama Dukes woke me around 8AM. How special for me. Two days in a row she f*d me out of sleep. We walked over to the Street Fair that was being held in my town. We walked around and she bought me a lottery ticket and an Ugly Doll which I LOVE and is now stationed on my desk at work. We looked at some furniture so I could get some ideas of what I would want and not want. When we left the furniture store, we were heading back towards the house, I saw him. The prick police officer that annoyed me in H.S. L.W. If he starred any harder, I would have had holes burned through me. I looked like crap too, but at least the shirt I was wearing was accentuating my breasts that he was so in love with back in the day. I gave him the evil eye and flaunted my Ugly Doll at him as we walked away. When Mama Dukes and I first arrived, I saw my friend who blew me off for Friday night (He didn’t see me.) The funny thing was, he told me he was going away for the whole weekend and that’s why he couldn’t hang. Hmmm, interesting. When we were on our way home, we stopped at this little church sale and there he was, waving at me. “I came home early,” he said. Riiiight. My cynicism comes out when I fell betrayed. It could be true, but who knows? After that, we headed home and I tried to relax.
Here it is Monday and I hate Mondays. I need a REAL vacation and soon.
“Harrison” called me tonight to apologize for the attitude I felt he had Memorial Day weekend. Now I miss him even more. I hate this, I am so crazy about him and it is so unfair that I didn’t get a real chance to show him how great I am :(. LOL. 10-4 over and out.
I am temperamental
Like a heart without a home
I am sentimental
But you don't know me at all
I have expectations
I wanna be the one you call
And I want a conversation
But you don't know me at all
Hold on tight
I am
I'm a revolution
Close your eyes
I am, I am
I'll blow your mind
I am
I'm a revolution
Why do I have to explain
Who I am again and again
I am
I know what you're thinking
I can tell what you're waiting for
But I think that you're pretending
But you dont fool me at all
If you knew me at all
You'd take my picture
And you'd hang it on your wall
Hold on tight
I am
I'm a revolution
Close your eyes
I am, I am
I'll blow your mind
I am
I'm a revolution
Why do I have to explain
Who I am again and again
I am
I didn't know that you've been wanting me
Oh how's a girl supposed to know
Just when you think that it's all tragedy
Dont worry baby I'll go slow
Hold on tight
I am
I'm a revolution
Close your eyes
I am, I am
I'll blow your mind
I am
Im a revolution
Why do I have to explain
(Why do I have to explain)
Who I am again and again
Hold on tight
I am
I'm a revolution
Close your eyes
I am, I am
I'll blow your mind
I am
I'm a revolution
Why do I have to explain
Who I am again and again
I am
Saturday I woke up early and laid in bed all day waiting for a delivery guy to show for Mama Dukes (He never showed). I didn’t hear from “B,” but Kel-Kel called, so I made plans to meet up with her and RyRy later on that night. Our friend Dimar’s band was playing and we figured why not check it out…. I figured if “B” got back to me, he would just come too. We finally connected and he was going to meet us there later on that night if he was feeling up to it. I got dressed and headed over around 10. There were some hotties in the bar, but I kept it cool just in case “B” did pop in. Kel-Kel brought her sister whom I hadn’t seen in years and it was nice (and weird!) so see her as an adult. :) As the band played, we watched her wipe the floor with all the guys on the pool table and I checked out the hotties and the perverts who were watching her, lol. We stayed until around midnight, the band wasn’t what we expected and Dimar was more interested in making out with one of the groupies then chit chatting with us, so we headed out around midnight. We decided to head over to the diner and got some grub. I was home fairly early and although I was tempted to head over to Chubby’s, I went straight home like a good girl.
Sunday Mama Dukes woke me around 8AM. How special for me. Two days in a row she f*d me out of sleep. We walked over to the Street Fair that was being held in my town. We walked around and she bought me a lottery ticket and an Ugly Doll which I LOVE and is now stationed on my desk at work. We looked at some furniture so I could get some ideas of what I would want and not want. When we left the furniture store, we were heading back towards the house, I saw him. The prick police officer that annoyed me in H.S. L.W. If he starred any harder, I would have had holes burned through me. I looked like crap too, but at least the shirt I was wearing was accentuating my breasts that he was so in love with back in the day. I gave him the evil eye and flaunted my Ugly Doll at him as we walked away. When Mama Dukes and I first arrived, I saw my friend who blew me off for Friday night (He didn’t see me.) The funny thing was, he told me he was going away for the whole weekend and that’s why he couldn’t hang. Hmmm, interesting. When we were on our way home, we stopped at this little church sale and there he was, waving at me. “I came home early,” he said. Riiiight. My cynicism comes out when I fell betrayed. It could be true, but who knows? After that, we headed home and I tried to relax.
Here it is Monday and I hate Mondays. I need a REAL vacation and soon.
“Harrison” called me tonight to apologize for the attitude I felt he had Memorial Day weekend. Now I miss him even more. I hate this, I am so crazy about him and it is so unfair that I didn’t get a real chance to show him how great I am :(. LOL. 10-4 over and out.
I am temperamental
Like a heart without a home
I am sentimental
But you don't know me at all
I have expectations
I wanna be the one you call
And I want a conversation
But you don't know me at all
Hold on tight
I am
I'm a revolution
Close your eyes
I am, I am
I'll blow your mind
I am
I'm a revolution
Why do I have to explain
Who I am again and again
I am
I know what you're thinking
I can tell what you're waiting for
But I think that you're pretending
But you dont fool me at all
If you knew me at all
You'd take my picture
And you'd hang it on your wall
Hold on tight
I am
I'm a revolution
Close your eyes
I am, I am
I'll blow your mind
I am
I'm a revolution
Why do I have to explain
Who I am again and again
I am
I didn't know that you've been wanting me
Oh how's a girl supposed to know
Just when you think that it's all tragedy
Dont worry baby I'll go slow
Hold on tight
I am
I'm a revolution
Close your eyes
I am, I am
I'll blow your mind
I am
Im a revolution
Why do I have to explain
(Why do I have to explain)
Who I am again and again
Hold on tight
I am
I'm a revolution
Close your eyes
I am, I am
I'll blow your mind
I am
I'm a revolution
Why do I have to explain
Who I am again and again
I am
Friday, June 02, 2006
The Fit is Go....
G’morning Kids & Porn Stars…. TGIF. It is sticky, humid and disgusting in my office today. Last night’s rain storm was fairly awesome to watch even though it left this nasty weather behind it (and my Sirius radio fails me when it’s rainy outside!!) I worked late last night and was driving home right at the beginning of the storm. All I could think was, “I wish I was watching this with…..” (He who shall remain nameless until we see one another again.) It was weird. For the longest time, I didn’t “think” about him in any way other than my friend. We talked, and now there is this spark that has been reignited. I am afraid that it is coming out of loneliness, so I am hesitant to act on anything I am thinking or feeling. Plus I don’t want to jump back into anything just yet either. Not to mention that there hasn’t been 100% closure with other factors in my life just yet.
My friend bailed out on me (already) tonight for drinking. I am starting to think that I will never get drunk again. And we all know how grateful I am for Vodka, Twisted Tea, and wine. I haven’t drank in what feels like forever and Maggie Sue can’t help since she is now with child! :) I am starting to miss The Bunny. She was always up for drinks and/or happy hour.
I know life is filled with ups and downs and this feels like part of the down cycle for me. I no longer have “Harrison” as a friend. I haven’t spoken to “B” in a week. DP is always too busy at work to even e-mail. Cowgirl NEVER goes out. My work friends are just that, work friends. KTU is not speaking to me (Or is oddly all of a sudden not receiving any of my e-mails or text messages). As I was leaving for work today Mama Dukes said to me, “Have you heard from KTU?” I answered, “No, not really.” Then she said, “Well, I guess now you know. She’ll learn her lessons on her own. She is probably in denial about some things still.” That doesn’t make it hurt any less or make me feel any better. Or make me regret my honesty any less. I’ve decided it’s better to just keep things to myself from now on because either way you get screwed and had I held on to my secret nothing would have happened. I know damn well the third person involved wouldn’t have opened his mouth and it could have been something I took to the grave. And she wouldn't have been hurt as badly as she was.... I feel like everything is my fault.
On the upswing, I have looked into mortgages for a condo I am interested in. Can I afford it? Probably not, but if I don’t move now I may never have the chance again. Of course, the only condo’s I can afford are in a different county from where I am living and it would mean a completely different lifestyle/routine. It would mean a longer commute to work, a farther drive to Mama Dukes (might be pleasant!) and AK, a farther drive to my doctors, most of my friends, my favorite bars, the list can go on and on. However, it could mean a nice change. I have family up there. I already have some good friends up there :). I would OWN my own place. However, once I went on this website where banks “compete” for your business, my cell phone HAS NOT stopped ringing with people trying to sell me a mortgage. I don’t even have an exact place in mind, I haven’t contacted my realtor yet, and I don’t know what kind of down payment I will have (I’m waiting to hear back from my finance guy). I was just looking to see if I would even get approved. I should have given them the wrong #, LOL. So, I will keep you all posted on the final outcome of my first home purchase (if it happens).
So here it is, the weekend, I have zero plans other than working out and I am feeling a bit loserly about it. It’s so weird how one weekend you have too many plans and then you go without for a while. So, I’ve rented some good flicks through my blockbuster online account and I might just take this as another relaxing weekend.
I’ve started researching new cars since my lease will be up in about 6 or so months. It seems like I just got this car…. Although the filth that has taken over the inside and the dent on the outside tell me otherwise. (My car is my Monica closet, so back off, LOL). I am really kind of liking the new Honda Fit. It's affordable, it's roomy, and it appears to have radio controls on the sterring wheel which is my new thing that I MUST have in my next car (because I have it now...) It's kind a cute little car and I am liking the light blue color. Hmmmm.
I guess I should get to work since I have a ridiculous amount of if piling up on my desk. This is Fats McD signing off. 10-4 over and out.
My friend bailed out on me (already) tonight for drinking. I am starting to think that I will never get drunk again. And we all know how grateful I am for Vodka, Twisted Tea, and wine. I haven’t drank in what feels like forever and Maggie Sue can’t help since she is now with child! :) I am starting to miss The Bunny. She was always up for drinks and/or happy hour.
I know life is filled with ups and downs and this feels like part of the down cycle for me. I no longer have “Harrison” as a friend. I haven’t spoken to “B” in a week. DP is always too busy at work to even e-mail. Cowgirl NEVER goes out. My work friends are just that, work friends. KTU is not speaking to me (Or is oddly all of a sudden not receiving any of my e-mails or text messages). As I was leaving for work today Mama Dukes said to me, “Have you heard from KTU?” I answered, “No, not really.” Then she said, “Well, I guess now you know. She’ll learn her lessons on her own. She is probably in denial about some things still.” That doesn’t make it hurt any less or make me feel any better. Or make me regret my honesty any less. I’ve decided it’s better to just keep things to myself from now on because either way you get screwed and had I held on to my secret nothing would have happened. I know damn well the third person involved wouldn’t have opened his mouth and it could have been something I took to the grave. And she wouldn't have been hurt as badly as she was.... I feel like everything is my fault.
On the upswing, I have looked into mortgages for a condo I am interested in. Can I afford it? Probably not, but if I don’t move now I may never have the chance again. Of course, the only condo’s I can afford are in a different county from where I am living and it would mean a completely different lifestyle/routine. It would mean a longer commute to work, a farther drive to Mama Dukes (might be pleasant!) and AK, a farther drive to my doctors, most of my friends, my favorite bars, the list can go on and on. However, it could mean a nice change. I have family up there. I already have some good friends up there :). I would OWN my own place. However, once I went on this website where banks “compete” for your business, my cell phone HAS NOT stopped ringing with people trying to sell me a mortgage. I don’t even have an exact place in mind, I haven’t contacted my realtor yet, and I don’t know what kind of down payment I will have (I’m waiting to hear back from my finance guy). I was just looking to see if I would even get approved. I should have given them the wrong #, LOL. So, I will keep you all posted on the final outcome of my first home purchase (if it happens).
So here it is, the weekend, I have zero plans other than working out and I am feeling a bit loserly about it. It’s so weird how one weekend you have too many plans and then you go without for a while. So, I’ve rented some good flicks through my blockbuster online account and I might just take this as another relaxing weekend.
I’ve started researching new cars since my lease will be up in about 6 or so months. It seems like I just got this car…. Although the filth that has taken over the inside and the dent on the outside tell me otherwise. (My car is my Monica closet, so back off, LOL). I am really kind of liking the new Honda Fit. It's affordable, it's roomy, and it appears to have radio controls on the sterring wheel which is my new thing that I MUST have in my next car (because I have it now...) It's kind a cute little car and I am liking the light blue color. Hmmmm.
I guess I should get to work since I have a ridiculous amount of if piling up on my desk. This is Fats McD signing off. 10-4 over and out.
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