G'Evening Kids & Porn Stars... I had a jam packed weekend and I am still exhausted from it. Last Thursday I had a surprise phone call in regards to setting up an interview. I had been called before, returned the call, and never heard back, so I chocked it up to bad timing and that it wasn't meant to be. So when the Boss Man called again, I was pleasantly surprised. I made it a point to call back Friday - no matter what and I did and I was set up on an interview for Saturday AM. The thing is, it is where RyRy works. If I do get hired, I would be working with him. So, I immediately contacted him for pointers and tips and between him, Kel-Kel and I, it was decided I would head up to there place for some dinner and so I could chat with RyRy. I was afraid of getting the job and taking it and being a screw up and having RyRy look bad. I was afraid of taking the job and getting into school and quitting in 3 years and having RyRy look bad. I was just plain scared of getting a new job. But, most of all, I have an underlying fear of working with my friends husband. I mean, look at what happened with KTU and Larry. I know damn well that would NEVER happen, but now I am gun shy. I worked off all that worry and decided to hell with it, it was time to make Bethany better. So, Friday night I harassed RyRy for info, we had some din-din, did some online shopping ;), and then I headed home to get rested up for the AM interview. I said my goodbyes and left.
Saturday - I woke up so early. Partly because of nerves and partly because I wanted to make sure I had enough time to get there. I dressed, printed off some fresh copies of my resume and headed off. I met with RyRy's boss and we talked for about an hour. I left the interview feeling good about things and headed straight home for a nap. Later that night, "B" called.
"What are you doing tonight?," He asked.
"Hanging out with you, I thought," I answered.
"Yea, right, I am at a party, I'll explain later.... I'll call you soon."
WTF? He's at a party and didn't invite me? I called him back and he "couldn't hear me." I text messaged him. Was I just supposed to wait for him to call me back - possibly very late or not at all? He finally called me around 8. Apparently, he took on a second job, bartending at parties. Now he knows I am looking for a cake job like that and he goes and schmoozes HIS way into a job like that? Argh. So we make plans to go eat, I get ready and headed over. It was nice to see him.... Just like the weekend before, all those feelings from the beginning of our relationship rushed back to me. We headed out for some eats and talked over my interview and the condos I would be looking at. He talked about his two jobs and I gave him some bartending pointers. After we ate, we headed over to The Saloon for some drinks. We talked some more and out it came....
"Marriage is off the table. I can't stand talking about it anymore!," he said to me.
"Your a piece of shit," I said.
I got drunk on two glasses of wine and then we went back to his place where in the throws of passion, I bit his lip. Hard. F**ker deserved it. I set my alarm for 8:45 and we passed out.
Sunday - I woke "B" up to say goodbye and I was off for my house. I quickly dressed and then Mama Dukes and I were off to "upstate" to look at condo's with my cousin. I was able to look at 3 and I fell in love with one. The only thing holding me back from making an offer was I still have not heard back from my Stock Broker guy... Very frustrating. After we looked at the places (and Mama Dukes was SO negative about the complex.... Showing signs that she doesn't want me to move out, again frustrating), we headed out to lunch and shopping. By the time I got home, I was so wiped I needed a nap. It was a very long, very productive weekend.
So here I am, Wednesday morning, finally getting a chance to finish this post. Work has been crazy and they let my friend The OC go yesterday. I am really starting to hate this place and hate the way they do things here. I can't fathom how some people who do absolutely nothing get promoted and congratulated while those of us who bust ass get crapped on. Right before I found out they let her go, I was given the news that I would be once again pulled to work part time in another department because I am so "intelligent" and because I am "such a hard worker." No, it's just that I have a boss who will bend over and take it in the ass rather than stick up for me. The kicker? My co-worker/teammate is out of the office again this week for 2 days (death in her family) and will be out part of week next week since the day care is closed for the holiday. I don't begrudge her these things and I don't hold it against her. But, I am covering her desk, just got finished covering VSP's desk while she was in Vegas, my boss doesn't do ANYTHING, and now they want to give me MORE responsibilities?? WHERE THE F**K IS MY TIME OFF??? Oh that's right, when I ask for time, I get guilted into not taking it, or taking a shorter time period, or getting crapped on when I get back. ARGH!!!!!! On top of this, the Stock Broker Guy called me (after having my stuff for a month and a half!!!) to tell me he "can't help" me. Dick. Then my cousin called to tell me there was an offer in on the condo I fell in love with. Tuesday just wasn't my day. The only good thing about Tuesday? A nice e-mail from "B," a few good chuckles with The Cowgirl, and my Kel-Kel called me to tell me that RyRy's boss liked me (fingers crossed!!!). I couldn't sleep last night and right now I want to cry. Not because of my stuff - I'll get through it all, I always do - but for The OC. She didn't need this and she doesn't deserve this. I am so aggravated with this company that I think I will suck them dry of a little overtime today. Bastards. 10-4 over and out.
Monday, June 26, 2006
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