Saturday, September 16, 2006
A Thoughtful Gesture....
G'morning Kids & Porn Stars... It's sssooo early this rainy Saturday morning and I am wide awake. Over the last few days I realized I might be coming down a bladder infection (Yuck!). However, Thursday night my left side started to hurt and I realized it might be my kidney's instead.... (Ouch!) When I went out with DB Thursday night we talked about it and he seemed so concerned (so cute). Friday AM it was much worse and I realized it was time to head to the Dr. So after work, off I went. It's a walk in place, so I settled into my seat and read some magazines. This guy sits down next to me and we start chatting. Turns out he's a correction officer... Totally flirting with me - tells me where he hangs out. All I could think about was DB. :) The guy finally went into the office. I look outside to check on the rain and I see a familiar car circling the lot. It pulls up to my car and slows down. It's DB. The night before I told him where my Dr.'s office was. A few minutes later he came inside. He wanted to make sure I was OK.... HOW FRIGGIN CUTE AND THOUGHTFUL IS HE??? I don't think that even in my wildest dreams about the love of my life I would have ever assumed this. He waited while I went in and got checked out (it's either a kidney infection or kidney stones - lovely) and then we just hung out for a while talking (he had to be somewhere at 9). It was nice to see him for the few short hours I did. Plus we cleared up some things and now I have a label. "Girlfriend." Awwwwwwwe, LOL. He had to go back to work that night after a 10 day vacation, so seeing him will be getting harder, I really need my own place ASAP. Getting that roomie I talked about might actually be in the works, as much as I hate to rent. Anywho, he didn't want to stop by my place that night when he was on duty because he wanted me to be rested up for his gig tonight (Saturday night) and healthy for his other gig (Sunday afternoon). Of course, if I find a roomie, I would sssooo need to stay in this area ;) for those midnight drop by's. I <3 this boy!!! 10-4 over and out.

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