Wednesday, December 13, 2006


G'morning Kids & Porn Stars. This post is being made to clarify some things - just so you know.

My blog is a journal. It's where I go to rant and rave and get things off my chest before they boil into big, explosive, dramatic situations. It's a place where I can come to bounce my "issues" off my readers and friends. So Doogie can say, "Bethany, you're being an ass. Knock it off." Where Kel-Kel can say, "I'll be right over to give you a big Kel-Kel hug." Where KTU can say, "F that a-hole, they are trash." I don't judge people - never have. I don't surround myself with people who would (or I try not to). I expect my friends to form their own opinions on things. I don't expect anyone to read my blog here and assume that The Bunny is evil, that Mama Dukes is a b*tch or the DB is awful to me. Yes, things happen and I write about them here, but this is not me bashing anyone. This is just random sh*t that goes on in my head that I would write into a journal. I know that there are generational gaps - "B" and Harrison had HUGE problems with me having a blog, but among the people who are my age, I don't know many who DON'T have a blog. Even Kippy started one!

So now that I've clarified what the point of this "space" is, I want to apologize. I'm sorry if anyone got the idea that DB was a horrible person. He's really not - I wouldn't love him as much as I do if he was. None of you (my readers and friends) have made any comments about him, I just felt the need to clarify. He means the world to me and the last thing I want to do is hurt him with a "blog." 10-4 over and out.

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