Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Something Stinks in Suburbia....

G'afternoon Kids & Porn Stars. Bethany is NOT happy. OK, so for the last week or so, The Bunny and I have (still) been working the P/T job. Things were going smoothly, or so it seemed. It was like "family" there. We had our tiffs, ass grabbing, and good times. Last week, the owner was somewhat a dick on Wing Night. We didn't take too kindly to it, voiced our opinions and that was that. Friday night, he was a dick to The Bunny again. She didn't take too kindly to it and voiced her opinion. So last night I go in to check my schedule. Wednesday nights are now being split between 3 people - BBB, The Bunny and me. So basically, every other Wed. I am to be off. WTF? So I talked to Irish Boy and questioned the change. He tried to explain, but it wasn't logical. So we all started talking - heatedly. The Bunny and I stick together so we said, "If one leaves, we both leave." He got pissed, we got pissed. He wouldn't budge. Not only was all this happening, but she basically had 1 table all night and they had BBB come in to work a party - a party she could have worked. So, The Bunny WALKED OUT. She didn't even clock out. LOL. We headed over to Sterlington to talk to the owner about bartending jobs... We are supposed to find out soon. IB (Irish Boy) calls me, "Bethany, you know I love you. You know I value your work. Wed. nights are yours forever if you want them - I'm not trying to screw you." So why is OK now that Wed. nights are mine? Were they trying to get rid of The Bunny? Something stinks in Suburbia and I don't like it. I flat out asked him if they were trying to get rid of one of us and he said no, but I am not sure what I believe. I'm confused and a little irritated that I had to be annoyed on my day off. And now I have to work without The Bunny Wed. nights - until 2AM ish AND I still have to work this Thursday night. ARGH!!!!

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