Saturday, May 27, 2006

Sh*t Dick....

G'evening Kids & Porn Stars... Some Memorial Day vacation weekend I am having. The crap started to fly Tuesday night. It all started with KTU calling me. Her and Larry had a fight. And it didn't sound like their normal fight - this one was huge. We talked for a while and she finally seemed calm enough to go to her parents and try to get some rest.

Wednesday came and they still hadn't talked. I talked to her for a while on the phone and through e-mail. I decided to blow off the gym and head to Friday's for some drinkies around 6PM ish. By this time I had already told KTU something that was bothering me. A secret I had been harboring that involved her. It felt good to get it off my chest, but it wasn't the whole truth and I knew it. And I felt even worse for not telling her everything. When I got there, I had a tall beer and we ordered some apps. We talked and talked and I listened. I kept thinking about how KTU was upset and disappointed - as to be expected. It felt good to get it off my chest, but I felt bad to have to tell her. We decided we needed to head to the beach for the weekend. We busted out this old school trick that picks who you are going to marry, whether you will live in a mansion, an apartment, a shack or a house, how many children you will have, etc. Of course I picked "B," "Harrison," Doogie and "M" (the hot bartender I met a few weeks back). To my surprise, Doogie was the winner as my future husband (I bet Francine didn't see that coming, LOL). We talked some more and I was home by midnight. Of course, before we left Friday's, I called "Larry" to see if he was worried about her. Probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. Around 4AM I received about 5 calls from "Larry." He sounded confused and partially worried since I told him I hadn't heard from KTU (AKA - she wasn't with me at Fridays.) I really needed sleep, so I turned my ringer off after the second time he called.

Thursday I hated getting up for work and so didn't want to do it, but I knew KTU would be e-mailing me and we needed to make plans or the beach. She did and we made plans and I booked a room (the only one I could find that was left!) and everything was planned out. She got out of work early and headed over to Larry's house to get some clothes. I didn't hear from her for a while and then my work phone rang - it was Larry's home #. Shit. So I answered. It was Larry - calling to yell at me. We all talked and they yelled, finally got off the phone with me. KTU left it as, "I'll call you later." And when I asked if I should cancel the hotel room she said yes. Wonderful. I knew our friendship was over and it made me sick that once again, my honesty got in the way. I went home after work - annoyed at myself and annoyed that I didn't want to talk to anyone. KTU text messaged me around 6 that she wasn't mad at me, loved me, and would call me soon. I went to sleep early knowing that I needed to get up early and run errands the next day.

Friday - Ran some errands and waited for "Harrison" to call. We decided to meet up this day so I could get my recommendation from him. He called early enough and we planned to meet at 1 at the mall. I was nauseous and nervous to see him. KTU called right before he showed up and we chatted for a bit. He arrived late and with a bad attitude. I knew he was in a hurry, but I wanted to at least say "goodbye." He wouldn't look me in the eye, and was very cut and short with me. We weren't even done talking when he was walking away from me. I was so hurt by his behavior I didn't know what to do. I called KTU back because I was so upset and needed to cry. She said, "I'm stuck in traffic - can I call you back?" This made matters worse. I was so annoyed and frustrated that when she did call back and we lost the signal, I didn't call her back. I stopped by "B's" place to see him and see when we would be getting together. He seemed happy to see me, but was getting ready to run errands, so I left. I called my Kel-Kel and she invited me to her place for some hugs and laughs. :) I hurried home, showered and got ready to head up to her place. When I arrived, we chatted for a while and just being there, I felt better. I got my mind off things and relaxed. I didn't think about "B" or "Harrison" once unless we were talking about them. We met up with RyRy (I need a better nickname) for some eats and Bethany had some wine. Mmmmm. After dinner, we watched a movie and I was feeling better. I headed home shortly after the movie. ***Thank you again and again.....!!!! :)***

Saturday - I did absolutely nothing. Surfed the net and watched some tube. Doogie called from Japan and this was the highlight of my day because I hadn't physically spoken to him on forever. We talked for about an hour and then later we IM'd for a while. It sucks that he is about 11 hours ahead of us, so chat time is limited. But, I hope he knows he call me anytime. Anytime at all. :) I called "B" as we had plans for that evening, but he said he felt "blah" and maybe we could do something Sunday or Monday.

Sunday - Did nothing again. Literally. Watched some tube and relaxed. I never heard from "B." Shocking.

Here it is Monday and I am finishing this post. Haven't heard from "B" or KTU. Haven't done much of anything besides laundry and clean the entire weekend and I have nothing to show for my 4 day weekend. (except clean underwear and a clean bedroom....) As sad as it is, I'll be glad to go back to work tomorrow and get my ass back to the gym. I have a November deadline now to get back into my former hot self. ;) 10-4 over and out.

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