Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Grey Goose Joey is now Grey Goose Bethany??

G'very early hungover morning Kids & Porn Stars.
Rule # 1 - Never drink and drive in parts unknown.
Rule # 2 - Never stay out until 1 AM on a "school night."
Rule # 3 - Never stay out until 1 AM on a "school night" while drinking heavily with friends.
Rule # 4 - Never say you are ok to drive if you really might not be (I TOTALLY thought I was though....)
Rule # 5 - Don't take turns to sharply when you are already aware that there is a ditch on the curve of the road.
Rule # 6 - Once you have rode into said ditch, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO KEEP DRIVING THE CAR.
Rule # 7 - Do not get out of the car and attmept to fix the under carriage in pitch black darkness in part unknown.
Rule # 8 - If your car makes weird sounds when you turn left, don't keep turning left to see if the car is still making that sound.
Rule # 9 - If you think you can fix the car in a drunken (and crying) state, "jiggling the handle" will NOT fix it. Just leave it alone until soberness sets in.
Rule # 10 - When sober, STILL DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FIX THE CAR - especially when you are already dressed for work.
Yes Kids, Bethany had her first (and last) drinking and driving accident. I am OK. It was a small ditch and the damage is minor compared to what it could have been (although I am fairly certain I will get anally raped on the cost to fix it - and yes, I have to fix it. A-It's a lease and B-I don't think I can keep driving it as is.) I feel stupid, so please keep your "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??" comments to yourself, I am already kicking myself in the ass for what could have happened. I've learned my lesson... I hate myself right now. I have officially become my dad. 10-4 over and out.

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