Monday, February 26, 2007

No Time For My Drama??

Ugh!!!!!!! I am completely at a loss for words. So last night DB said he wasn't coming over and that was it. He shut his cell phone off. I messaged him that I wasn't sure why he was ignoring me, etc. I won't lie, part of me believes he shut his phone off because he was going out with someone else - a friend, I don't believe he'd cheat on me (I know, I know, how ironic). Anyway, I wanted to drive by his house. And I really considered doing it. But, the angel on my shoulder talked me out of it. I popped a valium and went off to dreamland.

Today, no response. Nothing. I e-mailed his twice this morning and messaged him again. I finally gave up and messaged him, "You win." I get this back:
"The kids are home today. Sorry but I have a life aside from your drama. Did you call my house at 11:30 last night?"
WTF? No. I didn't. So, I write back and tell him this. Then he responds with:
"Stop harassing me. I'll let you know when I have time to talk."

Am I a piece of trash? He will just talk to me when HE feels like it and I am supposed to just sit here like a dog and patiently wait until he gets over his problem??

I AM SO FUCKING FRUSTRATED RIGHT NOW!!! I COULD JUST SCREAM. If I wasn't sitting at my WORK desk, I would scream.

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