Friday, April 14, 2006

Title Goes Here.....

I had so many awesome blog titles thought up last night and now I can’t think of a single one! Happy Friday Kids & Porn Stars. And Happy Good Friday to all your good Catholics (such as myself, lol). Work has been crazy this week…. The boss is out on vacation (again) and my friend VSP left for Greece, so I am covering her desk as well. Fun, fun. It just makes me look like a good worker bee though, lol. I went to the gym twice this week…. twice only. I pulled a muscle in my calf, so I didn’t go last night. I had every intention of taking the pups to the park, but then it rained, so I wound up sitting on the computer for a while. I am hoping my company is nice enough to close early today so I can get to the gym early, then get home and clean my place since Cowgirl is coming by this evening. So, somehow on Wednesday night, some poltergeist type crap happened and my AOL signed me on all by itself. So, when I got to the computer last night, I turned on the monitor and I had missed about a billion IM’s. Cowgirl, Doogie, McGyver, Kel-Kel as well as several others. The last one I received was from The Bunny (AKA The Liar). She was asking me about the $ she owes me (If I received her check), then she goes on to say how immature I am because I am ignoring her IM’s (I wasn’t even there!) So, when I saw that, I got pissed off. Especially since I text messaged her and her mother last Friday that I did receive the check. So I sent her a message that I wasn’t ignoring her, I wasn’t at my computer, yes I received the check and reminded her that I told her that I received it last Friday. So she says, “I need a friend.” That angered me even more. So I went off. I went off about how she chose scumbags over me. That she allowed those people to harass me so badly that I had to change websites, I had to change my routine, and go to the cops. That she had the nerve to call me a manipulative liar. I told her that her “friends” were the crazy ones and showed her the Fecal Matter website that Psycho Tub O’Lard frequents. I think I finally got through to her, but what was it all worth? I mean, how many times can a person dick you over before you say enough is enough. Talking to her only angered me more because it was dredging up s**t that I have moved past and the drama that was now – once again – out of my life. She asked me to come over to her place to share a bottle of wine she had bought. So aggravated, but glad I could finally clear up some things with her. Will she stay friends with PTOL? Most likely. Will she trust her less now that she knows the truth? Probably. I don’t feel good about having to be the one to physically show her (because PTOL puts everything in writing like a moron) what her “friend” is all about, but some people just need to see it for themselves.
So, here we are on Good Friday and it looks like my company will be closing early (3PM, yea!!!) Which means I HAVE to go to the gym because that’s what I promised myself. “If I get out early, I will go and then clean for Cowgirl’s visit. If we don’t close early I will skip the gym.” Damn those conversations with myself! Damn them to hell! LOL.
Tonight the Cowgirl is coming up to my place and we are going to head out. I am the designated driver so she can get drunk. We *might* stop by “Harrison’s” gig, but I am thinking more and more that I just shouldn’t go. Whether or not he is making up this other girl (which my mom still believes and Mama Dukes is usually right….), I just don’t know if I am emotionally ready to put a face to her. I am supposed to see him either Sunday or Monday night before I go to Florida, and I think I am going to have to have a serious conversation with him about how the thought of him with someone else makes my skin crawl. I sent him and e-mail about not coming to his gig tonight and once again he didn’t respond. (He NEVER responds to my “serious” e-mails.) For someone who is 41, he really acts 5, LOL. But, KTU did make a good point, “How do you think he feels about you hanging out with “B?” It can’t make him feel too good especially since you were so serious with him. He’s just dating this other girl that he just met. It’s not serious.” She’s right. I am just not sure how to play this out with him. Cut my losses and let it go or stick it out. Ugh…. I hate this.
Sunday is Easter and Mama Dukes is heading down to AC with her bestest bud. We are so religious. She invited me to come with, but I just couldn't see spending Easter gambling. Too weird. Originally, I was going to stay in the jammies all day and lounge watching movies. But, my girl Kel-Kel and Hubby RyRy invited me to their place for the holiday! So sweet! :)
Anyway, I am off to cover 3 desks and cram 10 hours of work into 6. Joy. 10-4 over and out!

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