Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A Great Day Indeed!

G'afternoon Kids & Porn Stars.... I LOVE BEING OFF FROM WORK! Last night DB stopped by before his shift <3 and we chatted for a bit. He then headed off to work knowing that today he would be coming by this morning. :) I slept well knowing this. Mama Dukes came home last night and I told her it would be an early morning for her today, LOL. Around 10AM he called (after his breakfast party with his "Crew") and he came by shortly after. Mama Dukes stuck around - she was dying to meet him. Oddly enough, they really hit it off. She left shortly after that and then he and I listened to Howard on my computer and talked about my upcoming court appearance in the afternoon. I had to be there at 12:30, so he walked me out to my car and followed me to the court house to make sure I got there OK. Lucky me to have met such a sweet guy, he got the ticket and all fines waived. :) I <3 this boy! He must rank fairly high because the DA walked in my paperwork and personally spoke to the judge. So here I sit, counting down the minutes until I see him again (hopefully tonight after I have din-din with my Kel-Kel). Mama Dukes just phoned me to say, "I really wanted to hate him because of his situation, but I absolutely LOVED him. I can see why you are so crazy about him and I can definitely see you two together." Awwwwwwwe. I really hope this one works out. I'm on cloud nine. 10-4 over and out.

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